Looking for alliance

17.9k prestige here looking for plat 1-3 alliance and a minimum points for BG’s willing also to help in the new event.


  • Josh73Josh73 Member Posts: 5

  • 3xad3m3xad3m Member Posts: 94
    Hi, we are plat2/3 map5. If you are interested add me in the game or Line. ID 3xad3m
  • Adi836Adi836 Member Posts: 37
    We are P2 in Aw with minimum 300k score requirement in bgs. Last season we ranked 52 in battlegrounds as an ally.

    LF player who is serious about game. Contact if interested mate.

    Ally tag: zodi8
    My line id: adi836
  • ReDGeNgZReDGeNgZ Member Posts: 48
    @Josh73 hey bro, we are Plat 2 (1 win from plat 1)
    Have a bunch of Whales for all the events , including this one. Looking for one more. If you're interested we can chat more on LINE?
  • FisefarFisefar Member Posts: 86
    I can’t compete with those above!!!
    But don’t stop me from trying!

    Plat3, all adults, map6. Looking for one.
    Line: Fisefar
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