Team on 6.4.6

So,I tried gm fight couple of times and I am very bad at dexing his sp1.So, I decided to do evaluation path so his sp1 is not unblockable.Any good counters for the path and if anybody done evaluation path,how much block damage does your champion took during his sp1
For the path I would just use someone who can chain heavies with their combos like Chavez, Doom...etc to get more knockdowns to make life cycle easier to deal with.
6* 3/45 cgr,6* 3/45 ultron,6* 2/35 Wiccan,juggs,abs,galan,white mags,5* 5/65 herc,Nimrod,ht,Shang chi,nf,cap iw,rintrah.
Willing to rank up
6 star sorcerer supreme, Hyperion, Titania and 5 star magneto (red)
Instead you will get an order that appears like buffs/debuffs. Do thhe action it states on that top node for each of the attacks of GM even let it just hit you if it’s the red one. Look up GM fight tutorials for other more useful tips if you need it.
Yeah the first beam which is unblockable rest all actions are easy to me.Only that beam makes me go crazy