If you make him a horseman, he gains perfect block with his aces there. So you can tank and then get your prowess and slap them on down. He's a great champ to use
I really like this 7 star pool because it lets champs that are pretty good shine. Normally champs like gambit or war machine aren’t taken to R4 so you don’t usually see this kind of damage.
I really like this 7 star pool because it lets champs that are pretty good shine. Normally champs like gambit or war machine aren’t taken to R4 so you don’t usually see this kind of damage.
I'm lucky I have r4 200 signed gambit. We were playing gambling story adventure while everyone was sleeping and believe me that 200k is nothing Check out the Buddy Lee Gambit video
My 7R1 crits for 104k against WS, no synergies or nothing else. And he is more than raw damage, he has utility as well with his non-contact mediums / heavies / specials (he counters Thorns, Korg, Electro and similar stuff). Plus, he practically heals from bleed.
Not to mention that being a Mutant, he is part of some crazy synergies and you can always make him Horseman and see him doing insane stuff.
There were worse champions in the initial 7* pool. I'm happy I got him.
It's very sad to see how much the community downright **** on champs like Gambit, Hawkeye, Mysterio, etc. They are all good (very good, even) champs. Hawkeye's buff was one of the most valuable buffs. Gambit and Mysterio have some insane damage output. Sure, none of those champs are at the top of their respective classes, but they are good, effective and very useful. People need to stop throwing a fit over pulling these champs as 7 stars without ever actually having played them
It would be very nice if he had a guaranteed crit on the 2nd hit of the sp2 then he would be more reliable but when you don't get a crit he can be very underwhelming but when you do crit he flashes some big cheese numbers, love gambit just whish his sp2 was more reliable in critical damage terms.
It would be very nice if he had a guaranteed crit on the 2nd hit of the sp2 then he would be more reliable but when you don't get a crit he can be very underwhelming but when you do crit he flashes some big cheese numbers, love gambit just whish his sp2 was more reliable in critical damage terms.
It's very sad to see how much the community downright **** on champs like Gambit, Hawkeye, Mysterio, etc. They are all good (very good, even) champs. Hawkeye's buff was one of the most valuable buffs. Gambit and Mysterio have some insane damage output. Sure, none of those champs are at the top of their respective classes, but they are good, effective and very useful. People need to stop throwing a fit over pulling these champs as 7 stars without ever actually having played them
I am really hoping for a Mysterio as my 1st 7* as I have a 6* penni but don't want to use my iso on Mysterio
It's very sad to see how much the community downright **** on champs like Gambit, Hawkeye, Mysterio, etc. They are all good (very good, even) champs. Hawkeye's buff was one of the most valuable buffs. Gambit and Mysterio have some insane damage output. Sure, none of those champs are at the top of their respective classes, but they are good, effective and very useful. People need to stop throwing a fit over pulling these champs as 7 stars without ever actually having played them
I am really hoping for a Mysterio as my 1st 7* as I have a 6* penni but don't want to use my iso on Mysterio
I got mysterio as my first 7* and that poison damage is sexy
It would be very nice if he had a guaranteed crit on the 2nd hit of the sp2 then he would be more reliable but when you don't get a crit he can be very underwhelming but when you do crit he flashes some big cheese numbers, love gambit just whish his sp2 was more reliable in critical damage terms.
You can use stat focus to increase his crit rate
I am aware this post is about 7* gambit but I did not say anything about a 7* gambit. I said him in general could use a nice crit increase on his sp2...
I pulled him this week. I’m not a Gambit hater - I think Kabam did a solid job with his buff. He has just been eclipsed by all the other great mutants.
That said, while I wasn’t disappointed I wouldn’t say I was particularly excited. Then I watched the video above and conveniently enough I had the 4* relic.
I just through some ISO into him today and ranked up the relic and wow - he really does slap hard.
Did a couple of Winter Soldier fights tonight - not playing particularly hard or well - and he was putting him down in a little over a minute with high 40’s/low 50’s hits - and that was with no synergies or boosts. Best fight:
Definitely going to spend some time getting better at him. And going to play with horsemen/synergies - if he is hitting this hard vanilla looking forward to see what he can do.
I really like this 7 star pool because it lets champs that are pretty good shine. Normally champs like gambit or war machine aren’t taken to R4 so you don’t usually see this kind of damage.
And that is exactly why it will be a LOOOONNGGG time until we see champs like cgr or ghost as a 7*. Imagine the numbers on those typa champs 😅
I got him but haven't leveled him up yet.
The op gambit is definitely R2 though
Not to mention that being a Mutant, he is part of some crazy synergies and you can always make him Horseman and see him doing insane stuff.
There were worse champions in the initial 7* pool. I'm happy I got him.
I think he would shine as horseman
That said, while I wasn’t disappointed I wouldn’t say I was particularly excited. Then I watched the video above and conveniently enough I had the 4* relic.
I just through some ISO into him today and ranked up the relic and wow - he really does slap hard.
Did a couple of Winter Soldier fights tonight - not playing particularly hard or well - and he was putting him down in a little over a minute with high 40’s/low 50’s hits - and that was with no synergies or boosts. Best fight:
Definitely going to spend some time getting better at him. And going to play with horsemen/synergies - if he is hitting this hard vanilla looking forward to see what he can do.