Road to The Labyrinth

318Chubz318Chubz Member Posts: 121 ★★
RTTL rewards need to updated… REAL BAD, SO VERY BAD!!


  • Krishna24Krishna24 Member Posts: 415 ★★★
    Before they do anything, you might wanna grab few units they offer as exploration rewards
  • 318Chubz318Chubz Member Posts: 121 ★★
    I only say an update because I made a new account. Now I’m 2023, these rewards suck for new players, literally NO help.

    I use this for that exact purpose Hero Use, Combat, etc…
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 993 ★★★★
    Why would they change these rewards? It is easy content and doesn't deserve a significant reward payout.

    Buffing rewards for old content would be endless. Kabam can't set the precedent.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,422 ★★★★★
    At this point they are just there for the units.
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