Aw Season 42 Changelog

Welcome to another season of Alliance War! We are coming at you with a bigger update and a look into the future of what mini bosses mean to the map as a whole, however they don’t feel like mini bosses. Hopefully with this new coming series of updates, we’ll be able to help bolster their identity, and make them feel like something bigger than another path fight! Not only that, but we have new Defense and Attack Tactics to bring to you all, and exciting changes to Challenger to give them a leg up on their competition! Without further ado, let’s jump in!
Wednesday, April 25th
- Pre-season 42 begins
Wednesday, May 10th
- Season 42 goes live
Tactic Updates
With this coming season, we are excited to bring to you a new set of Defence and Attack Tactics for you today. This time, we are concentrating on making multi-hit specials something to be feared, turning those Specials into power houses that you need to answer. In addition, for anyone playing Heroic or Challenger Maps, we have increased the Attack Tactics that players in those maps have access to. This is part of an initiative to increase attacker options for players in those brackets to facilitate better roster diversity on attack. Without further ado, here are the descriptions of the new tactics being dropped…
Expert Map:
- Attack:
Armor Burn: For each Armor up buff on the Attacker, to a max of 5, All Attacks burn 1% of the Defender's Power. Knocking Down the Defender grants Attackers a 10 second armor up buff granting 0 Armor Rating. Additionally each time the Attacker Power Burns, or Drains the Defender, remove 1 Prowess effects from them.
Ant-man Future, Viv Vision, Civil Warrior, Guardian, Guillotine 2099, Hulkbuster, Infamous Iron Man, Omega Sentinel, Shuri, Warlock, Doc-Ock ,Punisher 2099, Peni Parker, Psycho-Man, Magneto, Rogue, Heimdall, Venom, Voodoo, Howard the Duck, Sunspot, Sam Wilson, Ultron, Colossus, Venom the Duck - Defense:
Prowess Power - 3: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 20% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Kingpin, Attuma, Mantis, Baron Zemo, Agent Venom, Crossbones, Daredevil HK, Korg, Nightthrasher, Elsa Bloodstone, Moleman, Jabari Panther, Sauron, Professor x, Havok, Bishop, Storm, Toad, Magneto, Emma Frost, Storm X, Jubilee, Kate Bishop, Magneto House of X, Kitty Pryde
Challenger Map: Pick 1 of 5 (From Attack), and 1 of 3 (from Defense)
- Attack: Defiance, Sick n Tired, Debuff Detox, Subdue, Armor Burn
- Defense: Prowess Power, Unsteady Ground, Planetary Endurance
- Attack: Attack: Defiance, Sick n Tired, Debuff Detox, Subdue, Armor Burn
- Blacklist - Hercules, Human Torch
- Whitelist - Kingpin, Kitty Pryde
- Blacklist - Hercules
- Whitelist - Kingpin
Node Changes
Minibosses currently are getting a bit of a face lift. Our intent is to make sure that each of the minibosses that cap off sections falls in line with some of the gameplay and effects seen on the lanes and buff them slightly to set them apart from your usual affair with path fights. This should help summarize each section, as well as challenge players who need to take on these fights. Expect more of these miniboss updates in the coming future, and hopefully this gives you a taste of what's to come.
The following node designs were made to support this vision.
Node 20 |
Champion Boost 150% |
Champion Boost 150% |
Health Boost 100% |
Health Boost 100% |
Strike Counter - Fury |
Drip Feed - 3 |
Spaced Armor - 3 |
Resistance is Futile - 3 |
Masochism Over Time - 2 |
Personal Space (Healing) |
Recovery - 100 |
Champion Boost 100% |
Champion Boost 100% |
Health Boost 75% |
Health Boost 75% |
Rich get Richer (Fury's) - 3 |
Drip Feed - 3 |
Feats of Power |
Resistance is Futile - 3 |
Mystic Ward - 3 |
Personal Space (Healing) |
Recovery - 50 |
Champion Boost 100% |
Champion Boost 100% |
Health Boost 75% |
Health Boost 75% |
Rich get Richer (Fury's) - 2 |
Drip Feed - 2 |
Feats of Power |
Resistance is Futile - 2 |
Mystic Ward - 2 |
Personal Space (Healing) |
Champion Boost 75% |
Champion Boost 75% |
Health Boost 25% |
Health Boost 25% |
Rich get Richer (Fury's) - 1 |
Drip Feed - 1 |
Mystic Ward - 1 |
Resistance on Futile - 1 |
Node 46 |
Champion Boost 200% |
Champion Boost 200% |
Health Boost 100% |
Health Boost 100% |
Strike Counter - Block Penetration |
Reinvigorated (Unblockable) - 3 |
Outlast |
Burden of Might |
Never Back Down - 3 |
High Energy Diet |
Sloped Armor - 3 |
Indomitable |
Champion Boost 150% |
Champion Boost 150% |
Health Boost 75% |
Health Boost 75% |
Rich get Richer - 3 (Fury's) |
Reinvigorated (Unblockable) - 3 |
Personal Space |
Burden of Might |
Mystic Ward - 3 |
Knockdown Energy - 2 |
Indomitable |
Champion Boost 150% |
Champion Boost 150% |
Health Boost 75% |
Health Boost 75% |
Rich get Richer - 2 (Fury's) |
Reinvigorated (Unblockable) - 2 |
Feat of Vigilance 2 |
Burden of Might |
Mystic Ward - 2 |
Knockdown Energy - 1 |
Indomitable |
Champion Boost 100% |
Champion Boost 100% |
Health Boost 50% |
Health Boost 50% |
Rich get Richer - 1 (Fury's) |
Reinvigorated (Unblockable) - 1 |
Mystic Ward - 1 |
Burden of Might |
Indomitable |
Node 47 |
Champion Boost 200% |
Champion Boost 200% |
Health Boost 100% |
Health Boost 100% |
Rich get Richer - 3 (Power Gain) |
Inevitable Power (Power Efficiency) - 3 |
Aspect of Evolution |
Make A Stand - 3 |
Feats of Power |
One Eye Open |
Mystic Ward - 80 |
Opportunist - 2 |
Champion Boost 150% |
Champion Boost 150% |
Health Boost 75% |
Health Boost 75% |
Rich get Richer - 3 (Power Gain) |
Inevitable Power (Power Efficiency) - 3 |
Enhanced Parry - Armor Up |
Make a Stand - 2 |
Mystic Ward - 3 |
Limber - 20 |
Opportunist - 2 |
Champion Boost 150% |
Champion Boost 150% |
Health Boost 75% |
Health Boost 75% |
Rich get Richer - 2 (Power Gain) |
Inevitable Power (Power Efficiency) - 2 |
Enhanced Parry - Armor Up |
Make a Stand - 1 |
Mystic Ward - 2 |
Limber - 10 |
Opportunist - 1 |
Champion Boost 100% |
Champion Boost 100% |
Health Boost 50% |
Health Boost 50% |
Rich get Richer - 1 (Power Gain) |
Inevitable Power (Power Efficiency) - 1 |
Enhanced Parry - Armor Up |
Make a Stand - 1 |
Mystic Ward - 1 |
Opportunist - 1 |
- 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards added to Master and Plat 1 through Plat 4
- T6CC significantly increased in Master and Plat 1 through Plat 4, including the addition of selectors for Master
- T3A Fragments increased in Master, Platinum, and Gold 1 and 2
- T6B Fragments increased in Master, Platinum, and Gold 1 and 2
- Number of 25% T5CC Selectors increased for Master
- Number of T5B Catalysts increased for Master and Plat 1 through Plat 4
Here are the specific amounts for 7* Shards, T6CC and Rank 4 materials: