What champs will be left behind?!

DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,889 ★★★★★
edited May 2023 in General Discussion
A moment of silence for Quake, who has never been able to break into the 6* pool

With 7*s now here and prominent, which champs do you think will NEVER reach the crystals?

Hercules is for sure one, and I will assume there will be quite a few more, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Quake and so on.

But does this give us a glimpse of hope for Quake being added to the 6* pool in the future?

I personally think there should be a * Varient of all champions in the game but I already know it won’t happen.

Anyway, list the champs you don’t think will reach the dizzy heights of 7*


  • IamnikeIamnike Member Posts: 277 ★★
    Quicksliver, scorpion, nick fury, kingpin, kitty, ghost, hulkling, CGR, Doom, Magik, Tigra(Maybe)
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,315 ★★★★★
    Iamnike said:

    Quicksliver, scorpion, nick fury, kingpin, kitty, ghost, hulkling, CGR, Doom, Magik, Tigra(Maybe)

    Nah. If they made the cut to 6*, even ghost, they'll be fine as a 7* Hercules not included though
  • IamnikeIamnike Member Posts: 277 ★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Iamnike said:

    Quicksliver, scorpion, nick fury, kingpin, kitty, ghost, hulkling, CGR, Doom, Magik, Tigra(Maybe)

    Nah. If they made the cut to 6*, even ghost, they'll be fine as a 7* Hercules not included though
    Nah I bet they wish they didnt add ghost and Corvus so early. They might add them later on but not anytime soon.
  • Intensity108Intensity108 Member Posts: 327 ★★
    I don't think Batman and Superman will come as 7-Stars
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Endgame Captain America
    Endgame Thor
    They will definitely be left behind
    Also Darkseid would be left out from the 7* pool
  • monomuggmonomugg Member Posts: 312 ★★
    Both Cyclops will not be as 7*. (you wish!)
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    I don't see these champs being adding for AT LEAST a year:

    Science - Quicksilver, Spot, Scorpion, Torch, Quake (*although obvious)
    Skill - Zemo, Valk, Nick, Kingpin, Blade..... When Abyss 2.0 comes, I think Aegon will be in the titan pool at that time
    Mutant - Apoc, Stryfe, Kitty, Magneto, Omega Red, AA
    Tech - iDoom, Nimrod, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Ghost
    Cosmic - Herc, Galan, Hulkling, CGR, Hype
    Mystic - Doom, Abs Man, Rintrah, Hood

    Herc, Nimrod, Kitty, CGR, Torch, Doom and Ghost will be among the last added IMO. Or they should be at least.
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★

    I don't see these champs being adding for AT LEAST a year:

    Science - Quicksilver, Spot, Scorpion, Torch, Quake (*although obvious)
    Skill - Zemo, Valk, Nick, Kingpin, Blade..... When Abyss 2.0 comes, I think Aegon will be in the titan pool at that time
    Mutant - Apoc, Stryfe, Kitty, Magneto, Omega Red, AA
    Tech - iDoom, Nimrod, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Ghost
    Cosmic - Herc, Galan, Hulkling, CGR, Hype
    Mystic - Doom, Abs Man, Rintrah, Hood

    Herc, Nimrod, Kitty, CGR, Torch, Doom and Ghost will be among the last added IMO. Or they should be at least.

    So basically any champion released or buffed in past 2 years
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    I don't see these champs being adding for AT LEAST a year:

    Science - Quicksilver, Spot, Scorpion, Torch, Quake (*although obvious)
    Skill - Zemo, Valk, Nick, Kingpin, Blade..... When Abyss 2.0 comes, I think Aegon will be in the titan pool at that time
    Mutant - Apoc, Stryfe, Kitty, Magneto, Omega Red, AA
    Tech - iDoom, Nimrod, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Ghost
    Cosmic - Herc, Galan, Hulkling, CGR, Hype
    Mystic - Doom, Abs Man, Rintrah, Hood

    Herc, Nimrod, Kitty, CGR, Torch, Doom and Ghost will be among the last added IMO. Or they should be at least.

    So basically any champion released or buffed in past 2 years
    Not at all. I think many new champs and just about all the buffed champs can be available without being OP. Most of the ones I listed are broken OP and shouldn't be available at the highest rarity immediately.

    11 of the 26 champs I listed that are over 3 years old (and not buffed with the exception of Hood), so I don't think you read it.
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★

    I don't see these champs being adding for AT LEAST a year:

    Science - Quicksilver, Spot, Scorpion, Torch, Quake (*although obvious)
    Skill - Zemo, Valk, Nick, Kingpin, Blade..... When Abyss 2.0 comes, I think Aegon will be in the titan pool at that time
    Mutant - Apoc, Stryfe, Kitty, Magneto, Omega Red, AA
    Tech - iDoom, Nimrod, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Ghost
    Cosmic - Herc, Galan, Hulkling, CGR, Hype
    Mystic - Doom, Abs Man, Rintrah, Hood

    Herc, Nimrod, Kitty, CGR, Torch, Doom and Ghost will be among the last added IMO. Or they should be at least.

    Quicksilver, Valk, Blade, Aegon, Stryfe, Mags, OR, iDoom, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Galan, Hyperion, CGR, Absman, Rintrah, and Hood aren't overpowered. They're not anywhere near the point where they wouldn't be released as 7*s eventually.
    Every champ will be released as a 7* except for those they have not released as 6*s.
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    I don't see these champs being adding for AT LEAST a year:

    Science - Quicksilver, Spot, Scorpion, Torch, Quake (*although obvious)
    Skill - Zemo, Valk, Nick, Kingpin, Blade..... When Abyss 2.0 comes, I think Aegon will be in the titan pool at that time
    Mutant - Apoc, Stryfe, Kitty, Magneto, Omega Red, AA
    Tech - iDoom, Nimrod, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Ghost
    Cosmic - Herc, Galan, Hulkling, CGR, Hype
    Mystic - Doom, Abs Man, Rintrah, Hood

    Herc, Nimrod, Kitty, CGR, Torch, Doom and Ghost will be among the last added IMO. Or they should be at least.

    Quicksilver, Valk, Blade, Aegon, Stryfe, Mags, OR, iDoom, Peni, Guardian, Warlock, Galan, Hyperion, CGR, Absman, Rintrah, and Hood aren't overpowered. They're not anywhere near the point where they wouldn't be released as 7*s eventually.
    Every champ will be released as a 7* except for those they have not released as 6*s.
    Where did I say ever? The first line literally says AT LEAST A YEAR.
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