Is there anyone who counters more stuff than Quicksilver?
- Evade
- Unstoppable
- Miss
- Non-contact attacks
- Power gain (wither)
- Regeneration (despair mastery)
- Spite (no buffs)
- Stun (can evade)
- Unstoppable
- Miss
- Non-contact attacks
- Power gain (wither)
- Regeneration (despair mastery)
- Spite (no buffs)
- Stun (can evade)
Can you list what Hercules counters?
What would be your top 5 utility champs?
Quicksilver can evade beam attacks by dashing into them.
1) Counters Heal
2) Counters powergain
3) Immune to bleed, poison, coldsnap, and frostbite
4) Can inflict bleed
5) Can inflict armor break
6) Can Inflict Shock
7) Has a permanent armor up
8) Reduces ability accuracy of the opponent
9) If he has an armor up buff he is immune to crits from specials
10) Really high crit rate and damage
11) Can regen with sp3
12)If you parry a non-contact attack he drains 10% power from the opponent
Not like I can take him against Spidey Supreme and start countering miss immediately.
Also if you love him, I missed a great bit of utility from my first post:
By dashing into it, he can evade any beam or projectile special attack. This is huge, especially against unblockable ones.
Purification (best anti purify champ in the game)
Disorient (even after 2 years he's the only champ in the game who counters this annoying ability)
Decent AAR
Access to permanent debuffs
Regen reduction through poison & despair
Can get parry immune with 3 charges
Easy openings by hitting block with 4 charges
Not sure if they have more than QS, but Magneto and Falcon can shut down a ton of abilities
But having said that, it is so relaxing once you reach 300 Momentum. I don't have to worry about Evade/Unstoppable/Miss for a long time.