KO if opponent launches SP3 at end of Battlegrounds match

I have ran into this situation many times. The opponent launches SP3 with seconds remaining. The SP3 gets skipped and I have zero health. If the SP3 actually finished, I would still have much more than zero health. Not complaining. But with the conflicter node it's easier for the opponent to get to SP3. Is this by design?
As to the original post- usually sp3 kills you in bgs, especially in this meta. All damage from sp3 is thrown at you, but there isnt any extra damage for throwing it at last second. If you are ko'd - you would be ko'd after it finished and there is still time.
If u pull a sp3 on the last second, u wont do any damage, it will say times up
However, if the opponent does a sp3 on the last second, u ll die.
How s that fair? Double standards much?
We should be able to trick the clock as well, or at least the AI shouldnt be able to trick the clock with SP3
BG Attacker SP3 doesn't do damage when the timer runs out because ... the attack didn't complete in time. Same thing as if you do any other basic attack or special right before the timer runs out. If you didn't actually manage to connect with the complete hits before the timer runs out, the remaining hits don't do any damage.
This is pretty consistent. I don't know about AW, but in AQ if the time runs out you're not credited with damage you would have done if you had more time.
And its only 2 months'ish old, id say the topic itself is hardly irrelevant