Not Able To Claim 7* Alliance Event Rewards

jbmastjbmast Member Posts: 21
It's pretty disappointing overall how this was all handled. Joined my alliance after the event went live, I contributed to it, and was able to get rewards before the event ended. Most events let you get all the rewards even if you join late as long as you get within the window of being able to claim the rewards. I wasn't able to claim any of them. This was never an issue with any event in the past, and then I submit a ticket. Not only were the two people who responded to me not helpful but they never addressed the real issue. If I still qualify for rewards, why am I not able to claim them? This was never clear in the beginning of the event, it only said if you joined within a certain window of time you can get rewards. It would have been nice knowing that I didn't have to contribute a certain amount knowing that I wouldn't get 14 of 15 milestones. Especially when it says that you need to get a certain amount of points to qualify for the alliance event rewards. Been playing this game for about 6 years and it's a sad way of handling things and I'm still greatly disappointed in the support team. Would be nice if you could fix this issue Kabam.


  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    i have the same situation
  • Celil8888Celil8888 Member Posts: 2
    All you had to do was buy one paragon crystal after the timer was over and poof the alliance milestone rewards unlocked. Don’t know why it worked that way but that’s how my alli mates and I got them since we joined after the event started too.
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    afther the time was past and normaly i was eligible to milestone rewards, i opened 4 paragon crystals, i have video prof, and nothing happend.
  • Kacar99Kacar99 Member Posts: 56
    I joined my current Alliance 6h after the 7* celebration alliance event started.
    I saw the timer and I thought I could claim the rewards after the timer expired. You will be qualified for milestone rewards, that’s the message I get with the timer.
    Waited 12 days, 23h and 40 min, but I couldn’t claim the rewards.
    I’ve been told several things, which is misleading from kabam support. I had to be in the ally for 14 days. The next one told me I had to be in the ally before the event started. I saw a post on forum, took a ss of it. A kabam employee pointing out you have to be in the ally for 13 days to be eligible for the rewards.

    I asked kabam support for an official announcement about the rules, when you have to join and so on, because I haven’t seen one from kabam, so I’m just confused at this point.
    I’ve been told kabam support gave me all the information and nothing more they could do and case closed.
    When there isn’t an official announcement about the 7* celebration alliance event rules, which clearly is in past gifting event so players would known beforehand.
    So no announcement about 7* alliance event rules and you join an alliance just after the event started (6h) when you see a timer and the info when you are qualified for the milestones rewards, you trust that this info is legit. But it’s not and it’s so much misleading. Kabam just ignoring it instead of communicate, and not communicate like kabam support, just telling if I send a ticket about this subject the mail will automatically go into solved without response.
    You don’t put up point for fun, you do it because of the rewards.
    I’m sure kabam won’t answer to this post but at least I’m trying to get focus on this.

  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    exactly the same situation i have, this is not only unfair, i fell robbed.
    Please kabam change that, i am a over 6 years player and for sure i did not do nothing wrong to deserve that
  • jbmastjbmast Member Posts: 21
    Agreed. I still remember joining late for the gifting event one year, but in time to get rewards. I didn't miss any of the milestone rewards or the ranked rewards. So it makes no sense that we qualify for the rewards if we join in time, but we aren't able to claim them.
  • JohnyzeroJohnyzero Member Posts: 228
    Same issue on my end. Joined new ally but timer expired before event was done. I could only claim the most recen milestone on at that point and not all of the others that I contributed towards while the timer was active. It never worked this way in the past. I did not claim those milestones with previous ally so why wouldn’t I be able to claim them now?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit please could you look into this and do right by those affected??

  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    when i joined , only 6 hours afther the event was start, only few milestone was completed, lets say was 5 or 10 , no matter, at the end i cant claim nothing not at least 1.
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2023
    something fishy, that's why it's been quiet for 2 days, nobody says anything about it.
    On my tickets i receive only one answer where say can confirm i enter in new ally on 08.06.2023 and its need 13 days to be eligible, they not only do some math and see the event was over on 22.06.2023 so i was 14 days ( exactly 13 days and 18 hours)
  • JohnyzeroJohnyzero Member Posts: 228

    Just to clear one thing up. Those of you sharing this complaint, how many milestones were completed prior to you joining the alliance? You are saying you joined after, and a couple noted claiming later milestones but not being able to get earlier ones.
    Before we get too worked up (as we know one individual has), it should be clearly understood that ALL alliance milestone events, that are not peak milestone events like SA and SE, will not allow you to claim milestones earned prior to you joining the alliance. It has functioned this way for many years, if not from the beginning. So if you joined and the alliance was already 10 milestones deep, you will not be eligible to claim those milestones. You will only be able to claim milestones earned after you were able to join. This is how the Banquet worked, this is how gifting in the past had worked, and this is how 24-hour alliance events used to work as well. No new communication should be needed on a format that has existed for years. They absolutely should’ve been clear about the eligibility timer before the event launched, there’s no question about that, but claiming milestones you didn’t earn has not been a thing.

    Only 2 were earned before switching alliance. The new alliance had same thing 2-3 milestones earned before I came in. I contributed to all of the other milestones right away. Picture below shows when my timer expired I could only claim from milestone 12 onwards since that was the most recent milestone I had hit with my points. Seems if I contributed 0 points then all at the end I might have been able to claim all but that makes no sense and not how it had worked prior.

  • jbmastjbmast Member Posts: 21

    Just to clear one thing up. Those of you sharing this complaint, how many milestones were completed prior to you joining the alliance? You are saying you joined after, and a couple noted claiming later milestones but not being able to get earlier ones.
    Before we get too worked up (as we know one individual has), it should be clearly understood that ALL alliance milestone events, that are not peak milestone events like SA and SE, will not allow you to claim milestones earned prior to you joining the alliance. It has functioned this way for many years, if not from the beginning. So if you joined and the alliance was already 10 milestones deep, you will not be eligible to claim those milestones. You will only be able to claim milestones earned after you were able to join. This is how the Banquet worked, this is how gifting in the past had worked, and this is how 24-hour alliance events used to work as well. No new communication should be needed on a format that has existed for years. They absolutely should’ve been clear about the eligibility timer before the event launched, there’s no question about that, but claiming milestones you didn’t earn has not been a thing.

    But like I said before, I joined late to a gifting event and was able to claim all milestone rewards and it was never an issue. So it makes no sense why it doesn't work for this event. Especially because it still tells you that you need to give a minimum of a certain amount of points to qualify for those milestone rewards.
  • JohnyzeroJohnyzero Member Posts: 228
    I got a reply that I could not get rewards because of the blackout but that is not the case since the blackout was done before the event was completed. See picture below of Kabams police for alliance events and all they state is that you need to be passed the blackout time and have contributed to the event which I have.

  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    there is no blackout here, there only bugs and they dont know how to fix that
  • JohnyzeroJohnyzero Member Posts: 228
    Would love to get an official response on this.
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    will be not an official response
  • WardrunaWardruna Member Posts: 34
    I had a member in my alliance affected by this as well. He joined after the event began and waited out the timer to claim milestone rewards. Once the timer was up there was roughly 24 hours left in the event. He spent an insane amount of units on paragon crystals and got jack squat for milestone rewards. He and I both sent tickets but as usual the support team was useless.

    After doing some research it looks like he couldn’t claim because my alliance had already reached all milestones by the time he had joined. However, this was not made clear by kabam at the start of the event and the 13 day timer was quite misleading. One of the responses from his tickets said that he had to be in the alliance for 13 days before being eligible to claim rewards. Nowhere did it say anything about milestones couldn’t claimed if the alliance already completed them before he joined. A total misrepresentation of the actual rules for this event. He was basically robbed and taken advantage of which is not right. The guy now is strongly considering quitting the game for good. I’m sure kabam happily took his money he spent buying units under the guise that he had some juicy rewards awaiting him after 13 days. This is just plain wrong and Kabam needs to make it right by him and all the other players that were affected by this
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    this situation was not my situation, when i joined the ally , only few milestone was already reach, i still dont receive nothing, not atleast 1 milestone
  • jbmastjbmast Member Posts: 21
    Would be nice to have a response from Kabam, still disappointed this hasn't been addressed.
  • JohnyzeroJohnyzero Member Posts: 228
    They are completely ignoring this issue. I’ve sent multiple emails to support and I keep only getting a generic response back stating that I did t receive rewards because of the blackout period. I joined my new ally with enough time to make sure I wasn’t affected by the blackout period. The timer expired with just under a day left in the 7* celebration event. Very poor response from Kabam on this. They aren’t getting another dime from me.
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    same here 6-th time i get the same answer

    they probably consider i am stupid
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    first time i receive from Kabam another answer the first 6

    Greetings Summoner,

    We appreciate you taking the time to reply to our message to get clarificaiton on the Alliance Blackout Period.

    In this case, I was able to see that you joined your Alliance on May 8, 2023, at 5:06 PM PDT. The 7-Star Celebration Alliance Event began prior to this, at 10:00 AM PDT on May 8, 2023. In order t oqualify for rewards for special Alliance Events such as this, Summoners must have joined their Alliances prior to the beginning of the event. This is why you did not qualify for any rewards for this event. This article in our Knowledge Base should have information that will help you:

    KABAM where and when you say for be eligible for milestone ally rewards you need to be in the ally from begining of event???? why you tell me now i was not eligible for the milestone reward because i enter in ally 6 hours afther the event was start?

    I will answer for you NEVER and NOWERE you did this . In the game from the begining afther i enter in new ally i had this mesage

    KABAM for you knoledge this means my blackout will end afther some time ( write with yelow leters how many time) If you dont know what this means i will tell you KABAM , this means , afther that time will be over i will be able to receive the milestone rewards ( that milestone rewards where i contributed)

    Soo KABAM please explain why i dont receive none if that milestone and why i recive that reward

    Bu the way , i dont need it, please keep for yourself that and give me what i deserve
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