They should both be taken up eventually, but you should wait until you can take Namor to sig 200. He's just not nearly as useful until then. Doom is gonna destroy a lot of content even when you've converted entirely to 6*s
U'll most likely use Namor only 4-5 times a year, that too if he is sig200 Doom u'll probably use at least 2-3 times every week even if unawakened unless u run suicides
U'll most likely use Namor only 4-5 times a year, that too if he is sig200 Doom u'll probably use at least 2-3 times every week even if unawakened unless u run suicides
I have a 5* sig 200 Namor and I use him pretty much twice a day, even though I'm completely converted to 6*s by now. He's amazing for BGs and has niche uses in AW. Doom is definitely the better pick, but Namor is very underrated.
Doom is an all rounder and he doesnt need sig investment
Since its a 5 star verson of doom, the rank up decison is easier if you know what quest you are targeting next.
Doom u'll probably use at least 2-3 times every week even if unawakened unless u run suicides
Doing this will give maximum growth to ur account