None. Seriously hold it for AA, kitty, Colossus, Omega, Toad or even Domino. It would be a waste on any of those 3. Granted the side quest is making them more available, it would be a waste on them.
None. Seriously hold it for AA, kitty, Colossus, Omega, Toad or even Domino. It would be a waste on any of those 3. Granted the side quest is making them more available, it would be a waste on them.
I understand what u Mean but I've been waiting far too long. I already have 10 6*r3s and none of em are mutant. I do have domino and omega red (duped). Is omega red worth using without suicides tho?.
None of them, except maybe sauron, need awakened. Sunspot is nice to have the extra charges, but if played correctly, you can still get 2 sp1 and sp2 and the enemy dies unawakened anyways.
Storm gets more potent shocks and something else which is only great if you're running her with apoc. Unduped her specials still do a ton of damage so I say she is fine unawakened.
Storm and sunspot fill similar niches as far as nuking the opponent down goes. Storm is better for larger health pools so I personally would rank her up unawakened.
I think so. If you want a thorns/korg counter he's still great and nodes where you get bled (caltrops, shank, biohazard) he can still cheese. It's pretty much guaranteed DoT on everyone but robots. And if you have Colossus and like him too, they pair very well.
But honestly, if you're on the fence, wait a little longer. This game has a habit of making you wait and if you're impatient, you'll use it and then you'll pull kitty right after (or something like that) and regret it.
You really don't gain anything giving it to those 3. Sunspot gets more solar charges, but meh. Storm will still sp2 like a truck without it. Sauron - defense only (his damage as an attacker is pretty pewey even with suicides and you're not running them.)
Do you have a red mags? Another, "doesn't need awakening" champ, but the extra heavy damage and increased tankiness, IMHO, would be more utility if you really can't bear to hold onto it anymore.
Granted this is opinion... And swayed my if you are big on war or battle grounds, it's still pretty good recommendarions to consider.
Storm gets more potent shocks and something else which is only great if you're running her with apoc. Unduped her specials still do a ton of damage so I say she is fine unawakened.
Storm and sunspot fill similar niches as far as nuking the opponent down goes. Storm is better for larger health pools so I personally would rank her up unawakened.
But honestly, if you're on the fence, wait a little longer. This game has a habit of making you wait and if you're impatient, you'll use it and then you'll pull kitty right after (or something like that) and regret it.
You really don't gain anything giving it to those 3. Sunspot gets more solar charges, but meh. Storm will still sp2 like a truck without it. Sauron - defense only (his damage as an attacker is pretty pewey even with suicides and you're not running them.)
Do you have a red mags? Another, "doesn't need awakening" champ, but the extra heavy damage and increased tankiness, IMHO, would be more utility if you really can't bear to hold onto it anymore.
Granted this is opinion... And swayed my if you are big on war or battle grounds, it's still pretty good recommendarions to consider.
Sunspot and og storm are still decent, sauron is decently annoying.