Kate Bishop or Valkyrie

For r4
Main focus is BG’s. No suicides.
Used all my sigs on Abs Man but for the purpose of this poll, assume Valk would be s200. Kate is s20.
Kate’s damage from her critical dot scale really well with the higher rank at r4, but at the same time I think Valkyrie might need it more as her BG’s matchups take really long to finish
Main focus is BG’s. No suicides.
Used all my sigs on Abs Man but for the purpose of this poll, assume Valk would be s200. Kate is s20.
Kate’s damage from her critical dot scale really well with the higher rank at r4, but at the same time I think Valkyrie might need it more as her BG’s matchups take really long to finish
Isnt the rotation for BG’s just doing MLLL on a combo that would take you above 10 hits, then MLLLM to go back down (lesser lights if possible to have enemy at less power) then alternating this until 3 bulwark/3 pierce then throwing the sp2 into block?
I wouldn’t say Valkyrie is a hard champ to play, but in certain matches with certain nodes she’s tricky, when you’re manipulating your combo meter and the AI whilst playing around nodes.
Valk has slightly more complexity, in reversing combo and making the AI block your sp2.
That’s pretty much it, in a Bg match there’s more to think about when using Valk, which most of the time won’t be an issue but sometimes could cause players to overthink/mess up because of the slight more complexity. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but a point worth bringing up
Thanks for clarifying. I’m leaning towards Valk more now, but someone the other day was surprised that I hadn’t r4ed my AA yet.
I always figured he didn’t really need it as much for BG’s as other champs on attack due to the nature of his damage. Though I know it could help him for tanky champs like sas and rintrah, wont the r4 make him more likely to be banned?
They should implement rank down tickets because sometimes these rebalances are in states of limbo, with the stances changing or being delayed...
Not to mention, people are dumping resources trying to obtain featured champs only for the possibility of them to be “rebalanced” after...
Valk at 200 is just nasty.
My R5 Valk gets used everywhere and almost every Meta. Can't wait to see her shine next BG season 🤩
With the new unstoppable meta, I’m guessing valk will be more valuable. Although she might get banned a lot cuz of that