New Paragon Requirements
Member Posts: 20 ★
I understand paragon has been out for a minute. The current requirements for paragon are 3 r4 six stars. I currently have 1. Is it possible to change this requirement to having at least 3 r4 six stars or three 7 stars? I’m finding my self getting 7 stars easier than the rank 4’s. Thank you!
The requirement to have three rank 4 six star champions is in effect a requirement to possess at least three 6* champs and also earn the catalysts or rank up gems necessary to get those champs to rank 4. Champion acquisition and champion rank up material acquisition are two separate requirements that are generally earned from different activities. This is not incidental. The point is to require players who wish to achieve Paragon to do both: grow roster and rank up roster.
Changing the requirement to only requiring rank 1 7* champs would eliminate one of the key requirements to progress to Paragon: earning rank up materials. You said it yourself: you're finding it easier to earn 7* champs than 6* rank 4 materials. This distinction might become irrelevant one day, but that day will be when Paragon is itself a relatively low tier title. While it is the top tier title, and even while it is one of the top two tier titles, I think this is not going to happen.
When Paragon is third from the top or lower, maybe. So like in four or five years, we'll see.