How many fights did the 5* arena take you

Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
edited December 2017 in General Discussion
Coz it was bloody boring tbh!

How many fights did the 5* arena take you 42 votes

100 or less fights, used boosts and refills etc
MattyloRagamugginGunnerJOHNOSA1995Gimli_SoGDaimosupergokuChunkerButtM8SakkbanphillgreenCpcBoyboyRiv6321haunted_memoryNexus_UY_ScutiGargolitoLeDeeFaisaljavedTheMarauder53PeterQuill 18 votes
100-120 fights, you have quite a few maxed 2 stars from back in the day
DL864MasterSmokeJP1119cyp82Coors_ltEcBatLFCBUZZdog3000ZenioThebgjAjjohnsbb8VulcanM 11 votes
120-140 fights, took days but you got there
GwendolineKenshioJaydev217 3 votes
140-200 fights, you have virtually no 2 stars or you are a new player
deadcrimeNomarigerolzero7gohard123colbyscipio987Hzori 6 votes
200+ fights, new players only I would assume
sidray33 1 vote
Still trying to complete it, no worries, still 2 days left
GbSarkarChris_L_HDave_the_destroyer 3 votes
Didn't do it, the rewards werent worth the hours of real time it would take


  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    I did it in 65 without any boosts or refills needed.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    60 matches. No boosts are or anything.
  • Jaydev217Jaydev217 Member Posts: 49
    120-140 fights, took days but you got there
    Actually I am still compeleting it ! But it's more than 850K
  • OndZOndZ Member Posts: 75
    edited December 2017
    62 series (lost three fights only).
    No boosts or refills used.
    Two days of easy job...
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    The poll's options are so weird. I did it in 61 series, or 183 fights, but I used every champion I could use(which means all my 2* and 1* regardless of rank). Out of which, I have 31 maxed 2* champs and 25 2* R2 champs, along with 5 maxed 1* champs. Yet my results fall in the 4th category (140-200 fights), which says "you have virtually no 2* champs or a new player".

    Even if it was a typo and you meant series, the little description behind each of the options are still inaccurate. The number of fights does not relate to the quantity of champs the player can use, but is more based on the quality. If a person only had 5 teams of champs to work with, they will simply take longer to achieve a million, but will ultimately produce nearly the same amount of fights a person with 18 teams of champs produces to reach a million.

    For polls like this, it is best not to add such descriptions behind the options as it could be inaccurate.
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  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    59 series, no boosts or refreshes, all of my 1 and 2 stars are max ranked.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    100 or less fights, used boosts and refills etc
    60 no boost and refille
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    100 or less fights, used boosts and refills etc
    52 no boost no units spent
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    140-200 fights, you have virtually no 2 stars or you are a new player
    no boost and my streak would reset.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    70 fights but could have done it if some of those series were 3/3 instead of 2/3. Never lost the streak but those lost points certainly made me fight more.. no boosts
  • whaler213whaler213 Member Posts: 151
    59 rounds no boosts or units
  • LeDeeLeDee Member Posts: 35
    100 or less fights, used boosts and refills etc
    59, no boosts, only used 3/30 champs (which is all of them), was getting about 6k per fight if I worked synergies.
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  • SligSlig Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    59 no boosts
  • Riv632Riv632 Member Posts: 13
    100 or less fights, used boosts and refills etc
    59 series all max 2 stars
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    120-140 fights, took days but you got there
    60 series, all with max 2* champs spread out over 2 days. All my 2* (apart from the new once I pulled since the last level up event) are maxed but I don't run suicide masteries (or anything else with the purpose of inflating pi).

    I lost a few fights here and there because I did most with a baby in my arms. Never lost my streak, although server issues almost did that for me.
  • nh4clnh4cl Member Posts: 128
    60 fights. No boosts or refills
  • RotellyRotelly Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    60, no boosts
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    100 or less fights, used boosts and refills etc
    58 rounds, no boosts or refills.
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