How many fights did the 5* arena take you

Coz it was bloody boring tbh!
How many fights did the 5* arena take you 42 votes
Didn't do it, the rewards werent worth the hours of real time it would take
No boosts or refills used.
Two days of easy job...
Even if it was a typo and you meant series, the little description behind each of the options are still inaccurate. The number of fights does not relate to the quantity of champs the player can use, but is more based on the quality. If a person only had 5 teams of champs to work with, they will simply take longer to achieve a million, but will ultimately produce nearly the same amount of fights a person with 18 teams of champs produces to reach a million.
For polls like this, it is best not to add such descriptions behind the options as it could be inaccurate.
All my 2* champs are maxed.
Do some maths before creating the poll
I lost a few fights here and there because I did most with a baby in my arms. Never lost my streak, although server issues almost did that for me.