Is the Game Dying??? lack of updates and innov...ations

During their most recent twitch stream, they mentioned all the stores are being updated "SOON" to me Soon means within few days or next week. It has been two weeks already and nothing.
Loyalty Store
Glory Store
Incursion Store
Black Iso Market Store
They are all outdated at least 6 months ago, with Incursion and Loyalty at least a year ago outdated.
Also whatever happened to the Old Champiion Buff Program. I can't recall the last time we had a buff. Possibly OG Spiderman???? what happened to Black Panther CW buff??
In addition to that, NO NEW Champion is safe after their Rebalance. Just ask Baron Zemo LMAO.
Loyalty Store
Glory Store
Incursion Store
Black Iso Market Store
They are all outdated at least 6 months ago, with Incursion and Loyalty at least a year ago outdated.
Also whatever happened to the Old Champiion Buff Program. I can't recall the last time we had a buff. Possibly OG Spiderman???? what happened to Black Panther CW buff??
In addition to that, NO NEW Champion is safe after their Rebalance. Just ask Baron Zemo LMAO.
and watch another 14738367 things that they "discuss" with the players
Dr. Zola
The reason they announced it this early is because people kept on begging for it (understandably) and they wanted to communicate an answer
I do think the stores would benefit from smaller updates every 2 months to keep them up to date but it's too late to do that right now
This is happening a lot, and maybe those of us that do know this stuff sympathize. Another example - Trello. Or people saying why don't you just take a break for a week and solve everything. Or hey just recycle old bug free content while you figure these things out.
Development and programming is TOUGH.