R3 Hercules or CGR?

The Side Quest rewards are absolutely fantastic and it feels so rewarding to push for the more difficult fights.
Here are the resources i got:
2 T5 Cosmic CC
1 Generic 6 Star AG
My options are:
6* r2 Unawakened Herc
6* r2 Unawakened CGR
My plans:
Want to take both up soon but which first?
Currently at 6.2.6
What are your thoughts?
Here are the resources i got:
2 T5 Cosmic CC
1 Generic 6 Star AG
My options are:
6* r2 Unawakened Herc
6* r2 Unawakened CGR
My plans:
Want to take both up soon but which first?
Currently at 6.2.6
What are your thoughts?
Seems to be a daily question.
Rank 3 on CGR will give him enough Combat Power Rate to launch Sp2 before the opponent can launch their Special (Heavy, MLLLL, MLLLM Sp2).
Since the opponent can't launch their Special before you already launch your massive Sp2 and get your huge Precision and Armor Breaks, you don't need to worry about Dexing afterwards.
Incredibly powerful for quick fights, especially Battlegrounds.
But yes, Hercules' Signature Ability is one of the most blatantly overpowered things in the entire game. So unless you know you'll be nuking things down with CGR constantly, go with Herc.
Herc for everything except maybe BGs because CGR is a much better nuke option, neither have much defensive use