Carina’s challenges Vol 1&2 rewards update
Hi all,
Just curious to know your thoughts about it.
When Carina’s challenge vol1 came out the rewards were fitting the meta of the game at that point. The same for vol 2.
Now this is not the case anymore as the amount of items you have to spent is not worth the price.
Do you think rewards should be updated to the current meta (r5 or 7*)? I think this will help people re engaging with this piece of content.
An alternative would be maintaining the same rewards but remove some of the constraints (i.e. any cyclops instead of the 3* only)
Kabam Miike, any thoughts?
P.S. and no I don’t think that who has already completed these challenges should have compensation
Just curious to know your thoughts about it.
When Carina’s challenge vol1 came out the rewards were fitting the meta of the game at that point. The same for vol 2.
Now this is not the case anymore as the amount of items you have to spent is not worth the price.
Do you think rewards should be updated to the current meta (r5 or 7*)? I think this will help people re engaging with this piece of content.
An alternative would be maintaining the same rewards but remove some of the constraints (i.e. any cyclops instead of the 3* only)
Kabam Miike, any thoughts?
P.S. and no I don’t think that who has already completed these challenges should have compensation
There is so much happening in game nowadays that you don't have to do them. Completionists will but you can pick and choose the easy stuff like rol with robots for easy rewards and ignore the lol and aol ones.
If they do make any changes, they absolutely need to compensate those who’ve already done it.
- relevant rewards for the same efforts (I would argue that farming revive is more difficult nowadays) or
- Same rewards for less effort (considering that those rewards don’t really fit the meta anymore)
I am not sure this is “entitled” and it would not damage who has already completed it.
Sometimes but rarely kabam does things in favour of players and as a player who has done good part of the contents in game I have absolutely no problem in rewards buff with or without compensation.
Of course if kabam sends 1275 mythic crystals as a compensation gift I won’t complain😜
I know that there are a lot of things to do on the game but my OCD suffers seeing these challenges not completed😅😂
I would likea "I'm a cheese eating surrender monkey, please remove this objective from my list" button.
Oh - And maybe pressing that button comes with a special title. That would be awesome.
I'm not sure if I would want Kabam to buff those rewards, though. I'd rather just see new objectives with new rewards. While I also have a bunch of objectives that I'm not going to do for various reasons (either because the rewards aren't good enough anymore or because I don't enjoy those particular challenges), I'm not too bothered by it. If you start going down a road of buffing outdated rewards, you'd soon have to look over so much more content in the game. Should Labyrinth get a rewards buff? Should Abyss? The Variants?
Nah, I'd rather just have new content where I can earn those rewards.
make new content with new rewards.
keep old content with old rewards.
you don't want the rewards.
fine don't do the content.
I also don’t think a lot of them are worth doing between the rewards being outdated and the revive farm removal.
I’d support an annual reward update with a sort of ticket that gives everyone who has completed the content the latest set of rewards every year. I’d apply this to Carina’s Challenges and Variants for sure and maybe Abyss and Labyrinth also.
It would keep the content relevant indefinitely and give more of an incentive for people to do it if they can unlock an annual reward package going forward.
makes no sense to buff the variants we currently have, they are being done with much larger rosters now and are relatively easy
Create an objective that offers rewards for completing 2 volumes of Carina, then rewards for completing 3 volumes.
It would be a nice gesture, and it wouldn’t require parsing through accounts to see who already did what.
Either way, the ridiculous ones I’m never going to do, even if they got a boost, it wouldn’t encourage me.
So I’m easy whatever happens.
However you can’t expect them to be upgraded, and those who have already finished them, get nothing.
One solutions that actually meets everyone's suggestions above (suggested by @TyEdge in another thread): Incentivize doing old Carina content by making an additional objective for completing multiple volumes.
That way, you can 'buff' the old rewards, but without actually buffing them, and with no need to compensate anyone at all.