7* champ selector info you may have missed.
I know we will all get one from the celebration events combined. But they also said they be available in login crystals in addition to this. Because of that, I think they will also be available $ome other way. XD
So my theory is they planned this pool to be a little mid because they are champs that need dupes and they planned on us duping these champs eventually.
Something you may wanna consider when picking you’re first champ from the selector is which champ will be good with a single dupe.
So my theory is they planned this pool to be a little mid because they are champs that need dupes and they planned on us duping these champs eventually.
Something you may wanna consider when picking you’re first champ from the selector is which champ will be good with a single dupe.
I’d argue they all benefit from it pretty highly. In every case it unlocks some kind of functionality that after that is gonna get better with sig. And in every case the community would call them “better once awakened”.
Imo no better way to give me a 7* that needs the dupe than this.
Kabam is smart.
The pool is very thoroughly vetted to be useful but not too strong. Regardless of which one you have or what sig you will someday have them at. BUT Kabam knew 95% of players aren't gonna be excited by these champs, which is why you get to CHOOSE.... NEW. Cool!!!! But THIS is why this is an exclusive pool. If they wanted us to have one, We would just be able to earn one, somehow. But they are RNG in the login crystals, So they are already saying, for some, They will awaken their brand new 7* on day one of the calendar. Which is also why they are THESE champs. Even awakened they won't be the most powerful champs ever.
So in conclusion:
It makes the pool of champions make sense. (won't be busted)
It makes the selector make sense. (pool kinda meh, according to tier list, but we get to choose)
It makes having them in the login crystals make sense. (You're gonna awaken them someday anyway, let us choose)
and it would make selling the selectors later make sense. (Kabam likes money, we like awakening champs that need it)
Looks like a duck, sounds like a duck..... Probably tastes Delicious.
And again, I think is why they are all lumped into this selector together. If it's not an exciting pool, give us the choice, let us get the functionality the champs need (or like) without RNG.
I will just hoard the crystals and choose the selector after opening all of the crystals
If I don't pull any 7* from the crystals I will take either Emma or Red Goblin