Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Kabam takes a big step to be an amazing company

VietNamforeverVietNamforever Posts: 16
edited August 2023 in General Discussion
Kabam’s customer service is going to beyond imaginable now! They’re treating customers very well. Look at this well-known post regarding how they handled the huge exploit 1250 mythical crystals with 13k view, they don’t bother even give a comment to comment to communicate with us about their decision, just CLOSE it! What an amazing communication! Furthermore, I pretty sure that they just throw a NEW TOS to email of everyone and guys please make sure to UPDATE their TOS with unbelievable TERMINATION! From September your account can be banned without any explanation! MAEX has made a video about it!Come on guys, we don’t live in North Korea, we have a right to say what’re they doing wrong and they can’t just shut out mouth like this!
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,619 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    The TOS has always stated that you could be banned for no reason at all and they updated a few other things unrelated to criteria for bans, stop fearmongering. Plus they made statements about the mythic crystals numerous times. Just because it wasnt how or where you wanted it doesn't mean it didn't happen
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    Fair players never were needed to worry about ToS. thus I will never care about tos.
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,241 ★★★★★
    Kabam has communicated their efforts and intentions on this issue. If you got banned, that means you exploited an obvious bug. Creating more posts to cry about it will not change a thing.
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    mate if this is still about the mythic crystal ban. grow up, I'm sure the people who opened 1450 fricking mythic crystals didn't think it was a bug.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★
    You don't own your account. This isn't new information. The in-game message said they were simplifying the terminology of the ToS.
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    VietNamforeverVietNamforever Posts: 16

    Kabam has communicated their efforts and intentions on this issue. If you got banned, that means you exploited an obvious bug. Creating more posts to cry about it will not change a thing.

    I believe the main worry at this point is that those banned players are still benefiting from the exploit. They haven't commented on that at all.
    That’s what I wanna say too! It’s clear that they haven’t removed the amount of 6 and 7 stars shards from opening those crystals. What we want here is COMMUNICATION and they read that post and just CLOSE it without any comment about their decision!
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    VietNamforeverVietNamforever Posts: 16

    You don't own your account. This isn't new information. The in-game message said they were simplifying the terminology of the ToS.

    Yep we don’t own our account as you said, so it’s kind of not smart to spend money on something you don’t own it right?
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    VietNamforeverVietNamforever Posts: 16

    mate if this is still about the mythic crystal ban. grow up, I'm sure the people who opened 1450 fricking mythic crystals didn't think it was a bug.

    Actually I don’t blame those opening that fricking mythic crystals! What I want here is fairness after that exploit from Kabam or AT LEAST a communication about their decision
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    Ackbar67Ackbar67 Posts: 421 ★★★

    You don't own your account. This isn't new information. The in-game message said they were simplifying the terminology of the ToS.

    Yep we don’t own our account as you said, so it’s kind of not smart to spend money on something you don’t own it right?
    Most people pay for plenty of things they don't own. Have you ever spent money on rent? Or a utility bill? Maybe a vacation? Ever gone to see a movie in theaters? I recently paid quite a lot to a university and the only thing I technically own from it is a little piece of paper that says I did it. Not everything is about ownership, and its not that unusual to spend money on things that don't result in it
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    VietNamforeverVietNamforever Posts: 16
    DRTO said:

    Come on guys, we don’t live in North Korea, we have a right to say what’re they doing wrong and they can’t just shut out mouth like this!

    lmao imagine comparing a mobile game to North Korea

    Can you make a better comparison bro? See their action, we talking about what’s their fault here which is nothing wrong, they failed to correct their mistake and we just want an explanation for it instead they just shut out mouth! This is RUDE bro! I believe at least in North Korea the greater Kim still give an explanation before executing someone! Not just without a single word like this
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    VietNamforeverVietNamforever Posts: 16
    Ackbar67 said:

    You don't own your account. This isn't new information. The in-game message said they were simplifying the terminology of the ToS.

    Yep we don’t own our account as you said, so it’s kind of not smart to spend money on something you don’t own it right?
    Most people pay for plenty of things they don't own. Have you ever spent money on rent? Or a utility bill? Maybe a vacation? Ever gone to see a movie in theaters? I recently paid quite a lot to a university and the only thing I technically own from it is a little piece of paper that says I did it. Not everything is about ownership, and its not that unusual to spend money on things that don't result in it
    Yeah so you’re mentioning that we’re renting our accounts from Kabam right? If you rent house and you found the fridge or microwave is broken, can you raise your voice to make them fix it for you? Or do you just have to live with those broken? In any mean man, renting or owning, this kind of service they provide doesn’t fair
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    JustWantTheRewardsJustWantTheRewards Posts: 442 ★★★
    Crine60 said:

    The fact that they supposedly did not remove all of the the 6/7* champs and other related things that were obtained by the mythic crystal exploit when they promised they would remove EVERYTHING and now refuse to communicate with us about it is disgraceful.

    It likely just isnt worth it to them. It costs more to prevent exploits from entering the game, punish individual players for taking advantage of the exploits or remove the materials gained from the exploit than it does to just stop it from continuing then leave it alone. I honestly just don't see that changing anytime soon.
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