Why so little 6 star shards

Im an uncollected player, last side quest i got almost 10k 6 star shards from all the side quests, and a lot of 5 stars as well. This event, all i can purchase at the max is 2500 6 star shards and 10k 5 star shards. And battlegrounds rewards are now much worse, battlegrounds is a lot harder as well, and alliance war is still delayed. How can you just go from a great event to such a mediocre one, it doesnt even make sense.
This is hardly OP's fault. Resources have been made available far earlier to new players than it was before. Pointless comparing resource acquisition when you did it vs a few years later. It's a different game now.
A lot of experienced players are here and they will help you to push to your next progression title.
I didn't say that newer players NEEDED 6* earlier. I was simply pointing out that they're available with greater ease at lower levels than they used to be.
I've seen so many conqueror accounts with multiple 6*.
As for rules of the game, what rules exactly? Get lucky enough during banquet event and you could have multiple 6* at any level. There's no rules to follow there.
Like i said there are rules and then there are exception (like the banquet event). The exceptions don’t take away from the rule. There would be no point in the progression system if everyone could get everything regardless of account progress.
As for the rest of your post, BG rewards are worse this season because last season they basically combined AW and BG rewards. So this season it's back to just plain old BG rewards.