Rank down tickets for iceman? Possible nerf?

So I was scrolling throughout YouTube, until I found prof Hoff’s newest video and that he said, that was a guy that had a bug with iceman claiming that, iceman is missing an armour burn tag, or something like that, and they gave that guy a rank down ticket for iceman, can anyone review the video, and tell me if iceman is getting nerfed? I’m asking because I just ranked 4 him and awakened him..and I will be very upset if so.
He still has a video up on his channel where he states the Ihulk is immune to no retreat degen when in reality, the person he was watching, never dashed back twice.
Prof Hoff a terrible, terrible part of this community. You literally have the champ and you can't even look to see if the tag is there.or not?
This is literally all you had to do. He has the tag.
Average prof viewer
And money making is not a test for a person's success. You can sell 😺 wax candles and people would still buy them
Third time I agree with you, let s save the date! lol