Very long matchmaking in bg

Dada3105Dada3105 Member Posts: 16
Am I the only one to get 3+ minutes matchmaking time? I don't see anybody else complaining about it so I am wondering if It is just me


  • Dada3105Dada3105 Member Posts: 16
    Any comment from the team regarding this, I sent a ticket but seems like the bug isn't really acknowledged yet. People like me are missing out a lot on bg rewards
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    MiniMF said:

    30 +...

    That's just nuts, how did you sit there waiting that long and not restart the game or something? ... I'm not saying that would have removed the search issue btw but it's something I would have done after about 4 mins 😂
  • DUHveedDUHveed Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    Sometimes cancelling and trying to queue up another match can be a workaround. Especially in lower tiers I find it extremely hard to believe no one is trying to queue up a match
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey all,

    We are looking into this. If you're hitting matchmaking times of 3+ minutes, there may be something wrong, and you might want to try cancelling and trying again.
  • Dada3105Dada3105 Member Posts: 16
    I've been doing it quite a lot since bg season started and Haven't been able to match any opposent.
  • Dada3105Dada3105 Member Posts: 16
    Just wondering if we can have any update. Don't know how I will compensate the week+ lost without being able to play bg
  • Dada3105Dada3105 Member Posts: 16
    What are we supposed to do. Skip this month bg and get shafted on next month seeding ?
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