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Duping 7 stars over and over

Wow 36 Champs!! and I've got 10.. sounds nice to most ppl other than I can't seem to pull nothing but dupes since hitting 10 two months ago. What are the chances of this? First pull 1:3.6 second pull 1:13 third crystal 1:46 then last Well about 1 out of 167. Why am I grinding my life away just to get stuck with another Joe fix it dupe. Now i know there are plenty of accounts that would kill for 10 7stars but ive done my time grinding my butt off for my account
And when they hit this point they will or would be just as disappointed in this as well. Opening crystals is supposed to be fun not give me ptsd. And when kabam trickles 7star shards in so slowly and makes them 15k a piece they only come ever so often making this is nothing but in kick in the pants. Especially since my 7star Champs arent really viable defensive threats in bgs or war other than maybe two if I don't get nova flamed and one relys on the dupe and of course my dupes weren't that one. Im stuck fighting ppl in bgs with multiple 7 stars while I've got hawkeye Thanks kabam wouldn't expect anything else. What I'm trying to say is there should be something in place so this doesn't happen.


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    Red867Red867 Posts: 25
    I know right
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★
    edited August 2023
    I feel this. I currently have 9 since they've come out. 2 of those are awakened once, Chavez and Gambit. And then there's 1....OG spiderman....duped THREE times.

    A champ pool that decently sized and I keep pulling that useless jackass.
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    Athos69Athos69 Posts: 39
    My last 6 7stars have all been wong and storm x. Both r cool but pulling them both 3 times in a row is a bit soul destroying. B nice to pull say Titania or Shuri 3 times each or once. I know rng exists but man it’s bad.
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    DUHveedDUHveed Posts: 353 ★★★
    I feel your pain, OP. I’ve opened 14 7* crystals and already have a sig 60 Joe, a sig 40 Gamora, and a sig 20 Mantis and VTD. My initial opening consisted of 5 crystals and I got Joe 3 times. RNG really sucks sometimes. At least soonish more champs will be available
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    Athos69Athos69 Posts: 39
    I can feel 4 stryfes in-coming 😂
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    Red867Red867 Posts: 25
    Glad to hear I'm not alone in this
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    I’ve only opened 2 so far and duped Gamora. Would have preferred a second 7* over awakening her.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★

    I’ve only opened 2 so far and duped Gamora. Would have preferred a second 7* over awakening her.

    On the bright side you can reliably have that fat crit damage multiplier
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    Chief_WiggumChief_Wiggum Posts: 26
    have double duped 3 7*s.. very frustrating when there are so many i haven't duped(need it) and more than half of the pool left i don't have. Yes its a first world problem.. but i don't need another dupe on Wong again.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,070 ★★★★★
    Sounds like a whale problem. Give it 2 months. The basic pool will expand and you'll be good. It happens every time the rarities go up a notch. Happens in every game known to man.
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    ZekirZekir Posts: 155 ★★

    I can't say I have that problem. At this point I wouldn't mind some dupes.
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