BG Horrid Matchmaking Making Impossible Objectives

So I’m running into one of the worst instances of matchmaking I’ve experienced in any game. I find myself queueing for BG and no joke 15 games in a row I’m matched up with Paragon players (I’m Cavalier). I have no chance at winning, and am sitting on the objectives to win BG matches to get BG currency. It’s the most frustrating and have seen Kabam’s “reasoning” in making this change from last season. With this has killed the fun in playing BG cause I know I’m going to lose majority of times. However, I have a solution that surprises me no one at Kabam has come up with… a casual matchmaking queue! Make this queue not determined by rank but by account power. This way I don’t “mess up” the ranked ladder by being to high or to low, but I can atleast have fun playing the game mode and finishing missions. This needs to happen if Kabam actually cares about making their game fun in my opinion.
As for your suggestion, that wouldn't work, the game doesn't have a big enough playerbase to add a casual mode, if they did we'd all end up with 15 minutes queues since half the playerbase would be in ranked and the other half in casual, that wouldn't be a good thing.
I do partially agree with some sort of casual BGs mode. It'd be nice to see, but I have no idea if enough people even play BGs to split it into different player pools without slowing down queue times. At very least, having a casual BGs off season should definitely happen at some point
You are competing for great rewards that are not tied to your progression level, so it is actually fair that you face Paragon rosters at some point. You're competing for the same rewards.
Currently that doesn't exist, so I would recommend focusing on story content and roster growth now that you've basically hit your wall in bgs.
As to a casual queue, I'm skeptical that this would be a good idea for Kabam, because you'd then be exposed to the never ending debate about how rewarding the casual queue should be relative to the competitive queue, and you'd be playing with fire splitting the playerbase into two queues. You only get one mistake like that. Rarely do you get two.
However, I know the idea has been tossed about both to and within Kabam, and opinions differ, so it is something they have considered. But whether that consideration leads to anything practical, I wouldn't hazard a guess.
That's not how that works, if you divide the playerbase in two groups, queues will be longer, it's common sense.
Matchmaking this season feels like the worst it's ever been tho I feel you.