September Deep Dive

How’s everyone feeling on Gladiator? Honestly, I’m not too impressed with how he’s designed. The standard power burn immunity and nullify immunity that a ton of recent cosmic champs have had, plus unblockable and some dot. He reminds me of a Hulkling + Hype combo in some ways. I like his burst damage when attacking while the opponent uses a special though, and I think it’s one of the more unique abilities in the game. I’m sure he’ll be a good champ (this isn’t a critique on how good he’ll be, just some thoughts on his kit). I really wanted White Tiger to win so there’s definitely some bias on my part
Also, why were there no synergies in the deep dive?
Same. I'll reserve my final judgment until I see some more gameplay, or until I get him & use him, but to me he just seems kinda meh. Could be he's being overshadowed by iron man buff. It kinda seems like the dev went real soft in design to avoid Herc 2.0
Then again both Apoc & Torch seemed underwhelming after deep dive...
Looks like they’re trying to make soul barb the next mystic class counter for cosmics based on Adam Warlocks kit.
Especially me
They posted Ironman's spotlight but not his deep dive, and don't have Gladiator's spotlight.
Almost all the other options looked more interesting champs with potential for uniquely designed kits
Gladiator as a champion idea looked bland from the start
He probably will be good but I miss the unique selling point. Lets wait
It shows how confident he is-so confident that he attacks while it's the most risky, and he knows he won't get hurt
I'm really happy at the prospect of a cadence change. Having just one new champion allows all the new attention to go on that while the rest goes on the buff. And kudos on the referral video - love the stuff from Tony Stark's perspective inside the suit.
He has the 80% damage reduction when ultra confident and an unstoppable during specials, but no regen to regain health or indestructible to remain sustainable. Would have been cool to regen a portion of the lost health when unstoppable.
I love his model design.
I love that he can chain his heavy attacks.
I love his rampup thru Confidence. The coldsnap.
And I absolutely love the way he can inflict burst damage by attacking into AI specials! 😍 ❤️
I look at that damage as a reverse power sting. Except we can spam that damage maybe 3-5x vs the right special animations. So now I'm imagining inflicting 50K-100K damage everytime the AI throws a certain special I like? Yes please!
All I need now is to learn his synergies... and get some hands on testing to see if his final numbers hold up. 👀