September Deep Dive

Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,737 ★★★★★
How’s everyone feeling on Gladiator? Honestly, I’m not too impressed with how he’s designed. The standard power burn immunity and nullify immunity that a ton of recent cosmic champs have had, plus unblockable and some dot. He reminds me of a Hulkling + Hype combo in some ways. I like his burst damage when attacking while the opponent uses a special though, and I think it’s one of the more unique abilities in the game. I’m sure he’ll be a good champ (this isn’t a critique on how good he’ll be, just some thoughts on his kit). I really wanted White Tiger to win so there’s definitely some bias on my part


  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    Ruwqiersa said:

    Only galan as recent cosmic has nullify immunity? Also power burn immunity can be normal for cosmics since they supposed to counter techs like peni, viv vision etc

    Adam Warlock also becomes immune to nullify, stagger and fateseal once he gains his sovereignty buff, which is also immune to those effects.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    Ruwqiersa said:

    Only galan as recent cosmic has nullify immunity? Also power burn immunity can be normal for cosmics since they supposed to counter techs like peni, viv vision etc

    Adam Warlock also becomes immune to nullify, stagger and fateseal once he gains his sovereignty buff, which is also immune to those effects.
    Keep in mind that only applies to champions, not nodes.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,737 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023
    Axew said:

    He didn’t look that impressive at first glance, but maybe he’ll feel better once we play with him. Honestly I didn’t like Herc when he came out and look at him now.

    Also, why were there no synergies in the deep dive?

    I’m sure he’ll be a pretty good champ and I definitely think he’ll feel better once he comes out. This is more so me saying he looks super standard, which is why I didn’t want him as the summoners choice champ lol. Maybe DLL and some of the other designers have made my expectations super high since they design really unique champs. 2023 has had the best champ design in the entirety of the contest imo, so I would’ve liked to see something different on Gladiator. The other champs in the vote seemed vastly more interesting to me
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,967 ★★★★★
    so… does he have any synergies?
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    I am more interested in Iron Man's deep dive.
  • FantomaxopFantomaxop Member Posts: 166 ★★★
    I would really love to know his synergies before fully forming an opinion on him. Who knows if he has something as impactful as Scorpion synergy with Venom
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    edited September 2023
    Nescio said:

    Don't forget he's now the third cosmic in a row that gets to ignore neutralize

    And he’s immune to nullify, stagger, and fate seal during + after specials.

    Looks like they’re trying to make soul barb the next mystic class counter for cosmics based on Adam Warlocks kit.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,234 ★★★★★
    I dont think he was meant to be good on the same level as galan/hulkling since they put most of their resources on iron man buff (which id take buffs over more champ releases any day)
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,741 ★★★★★
    I agree he didn't look too crazy, but then again, Silk's deep dive looked pretty bad too with that sp3 sp1 rotation they showcased but she turned out to be pretty crazy without that rotation. Best champ in the current featured pool, so we'll see.
  • HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 286 ★★★
    I’m really hyped on OG IM buff, don’t really like gladiator’s kit. I think he would be easily forgotten, as it happens with quicksilver. Yeah, I know people who really enjoys playing qs, but it’s hard to not agree, that even hulk nowadays is more hyped than him. So, I think this new guy won’t be slightly better than Galan or Hulkling, perhaps another defensive lemon.
  • LemonloafLemonloaf Member Posts: 117
    I just wanted to see iron mans deep dive 😥
  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    How many of you agree in place of that burst damage he could have done 20k hit damage from basic attack and while using special that confidence buff converts in fury or prowess this is what everyone likes
    Especially me
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,662 ★★★★★
    Lemonloaf said:

    I just wanted to see iron mans deep dive 😥

    They posted Ironman's spotlight but not his deep dive, and don't have Gladiator's spotlight.
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,305 ★★★★★
    Also not sure how to think about him. I feel that they did not want make him super strong on purpose. It’s a mix of utility and damage but he does not excel in one of those.

    He probably will be good but I miss the unique selling point. Lets wait
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,631 ★★★★★

    How many of you agree in place of that burst damage he could have done 20k hit damage from basic attack and while using special that confidence buff converts in fury or prowess this is what everyone likes
    Especially me

    Nah. I like that abillity
    It shows how confident he is-so confident that he attacks while it's the most risky, and he knows he won't get hurt
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,045 ★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    I would never understand what motivated players to vote for Gladiator other than the hopes for getting another Hercules

    Almost all the other options looked more interesting champs with potential for uniquely designed kits

    Gladiator as a champion idea looked bland from the start

    This is kind of how I felt too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter and hope those who wanted the character have great fun with him and his kit. I just feel that the Cosmic class is the last which needs the love at the moment.

    I'm really happy at the prospect of a cadence change. Having just one new champion allows all the new attention to go on that while the rest goes on the buff. And kudos on the referral video - love the stuff from Tony Stark's perspective inside the suit.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    AMS94 said:

    I would never understand what motivated players to vote for Gladiator other than the hopes for getting another Hercules

    Almost all the other options looked more interesting champs with potential for uniquely designed kits

    Gladiator as a champion idea looked bland from the start

    As a White Tiger voter It was 4% of diference right?
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,967 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023

    AMS94 said:

    I would never understand what motivated players to vote for Gladiator other than the hopes for getting another Hercules

    Almost all the other options looked more interesting champs with potential for uniquely designed kits

    Gladiator as a champion idea looked bland from the start

    As a White Tiger voter It was 4% of diference right?
    it was 50.5% to 49.5% in favor of glad
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    edited September 2023

    How many of you agree in place of that burst damage he could have done 20k hit damage from basic attack and while using special that confidence buff converts in fury or prowess this is what everyone likes
    Especially me

    My issue with that ability is there aren’t a ton of enemy specials with time to dash in and hit the opponent without getting hit yourself.

    He has the 80% damage reduction when ultra confident and an unstoppable during specials, but no regen to regain health or indestructible to remain sustainable. Would have been cool to regen a portion of the lost health when unstoppable.
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,268 ★★★★
    edited September 2023
    Elwind said:

    Am i the only one who doesnt like him?

    Feels more like I might be the only one who DOES like him. (I did vote for him everytime after Deathlok lost, so I'm biased).
    I love his model design.
    I love that he can chain his heavy attacks.
    I love his rampup thru Confidence. The coldsnap.
    And I absolutely love the way he can inflict burst damage by attacking into AI specials! 😍 ❤️

    I look at that damage as a reverse power sting. Except we can spam that damage maybe 3-5x vs the right special animations. So now I'm imagining inflicting 50K-100K damage everytime the AI throws a certain special I like? Yes please!

    All I need now is to learn his synergies... and get some hands on testing to see if his final numbers hold up. 👀
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    edited September 2023

    AMS94 said:

    I would never understand what motivated players to vote for Gladiator other than the hopes for getting another Hercules

    Almost all the other options looked more interesting champs with potential for uniquely designed kits

    Gladiator as a champion idea looked bland from the start

    As a White Tiger voter It was 4% of diference right?
    it was 50.5% to 49.5% in favor of glad
    Ok so a 1% diference It wasnt that off ... As It was said un the stream the game doesnt really needs another cosmic attacker so i think White Tiger Will fill a more unique archetipe (if the pull was made today spiderpunk would have won)
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