Gladiators immunities are illogical
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So as you know, Gladiator is nullify, stagger and fate steal immune which is mystic champions biggest advantage against cosmics. So what happened to champion classes? Doom is useless, Longshot is useless against him. We have to use science champions to beat cosmics now?
Galan is immune to fate seal and nullify
Should all take down gladiator
1st) Gladiator is actually immune to Neutralizer as he have 200% AA. So until Kabam release a new champ that can do Neutralizer + with extra 100% then, Tigra, Rintrah and Wiccan will not work on Gladiator as they should.
2nd) From the DD, I believe Gladiator only have immune to the other (Fate Seal, Stagger and Nullify) for 5s after his SPs. So I guess just need some playing around.
As other said, Abs Man, AC and Kinder should work.
We will find out in a couple of day, then we can discuss further if need to
However, in order to make those new champs (and future champs) really relevant, you have to change things up among the cosmics. If every cosmic champion can be dealt with by nullifying mystic champions, what's the point of other ways of dealing with buffs? Why would you rank up anyone other than Dr. Doom?
So that's the first thing. The other thing is that I think I'll enjoy being able to take certain cosmic champions into content where their buffs are nullified one way or another. Making nullify-immune cosmic champions expands the type of content they can do. We'll no longer have a situation where certain nodes simply excludes the entire cosmic class. I think that's great.
We'll get champs that can deal with Gladiator's buffs in the future, if none exist already. He'll be annoying for a while but eventually the game will evolve again, and that's just how it should be in my opinion.
At least is not like Photon, that champ is no sense, few options to counter her with skill champs
Gladiator has 300% accuracy. The ability says an additional 200%. Confirmed in the deep dive.