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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Clarification regarding Ascension

Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Posts: 470 ★★★
Hey Community,

Can someone confirm whether I am correct on how Ascension is supposed to work? From my understanding, we will be able to ascend our maxed-out 6 stars to 7 stars. Does this mean that our 6 stars will effectively become 7 stars or will they remain 6 stars with 7 star stats?

Also, Kabam mentioned that they were going to give us enough Ascension dust for us to upgrade 1 six star champ. Was this going to be overtime or is there going to be an event that gives us the dust right away?

Thanks in advance for your input :smile:


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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,375 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    You are not correct at all. Ascension boosts base health and attack by 22% (according to the stream) and that is all it does.

    And kabam gives us 1 free 5* ascension and the cap enlistment event gives enough to ascend one 6*.

    This. For example a Maxed 5* will be comparable to just weaker than a 6* R3 after Ascension. Although it's not necessary to be Maxed.
    Also, choose wisely. There's no going back.
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    Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Posts: 470 ★★★
    Pikolu said:

    You are not correct at all. Ascension boosts base health and attack by 22% (according to the stream) and that is all it does.

    And kabam gives us 1 free 5* ascension and the cap enlistment event gives enough to ascend one 6*.

    Oh, really? Just 22%? Seems like a waste of effort considering we will be seeing R2 or R3 seven stars in the near future.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,552 ★★★★★
    I didn't watch the stream, but will the dust (I think it's called) be class specific, or will I be able to ascend my Hercules no matter what?
    because I'm lame and unoriginal like that
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,375 ★★★★★
    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Pikolu said:

    You are not correct at all. Ascension boosts base health and attack by 22% (according to the stream) and that is all it does.

    And kabam gives us 1 free 5* ascension and the cap enlistment event gives enough to ascend one 6*.

    Oh, really? Just 22%? Seems like a waste of effort considering we will be seeing R2 or R3 seven stars in the near future.
    Not so near. We already have R2 7*s, and there will be one R3 that goes to the winner of the Brawl. The purpose of Ascension is to bridge the gap somewhat, not replace the use of 7*s.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,375 ★★★★★
    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Pikolu said:

    You are not correct at all. Ascension boosts base health and attack by 22% (according to the stream) and that is all it does.

    And kabam gives us 1 free 5* ascension and the cap enlistment event gives enough to ascend one 6*.

    Oh, really? Just 22%? Seems like a waste of effort considering we will be seeing R2 or R3 seven stars in the near future.
    Not so near. We already have R2 7*s, and there will be one R3 that goes to the winner of the Brawl. The purpose of Ascension is to bridge the gap somewhat, not replace the use of 7*s.
    Oh, I see. I wasn't expecting to replace 7 stars with the Ascension feature but it would've been nice to see my R5 six star Man-Thing (sig 200/200) go on to become a 7 star and continue rising among the ranks.

    Yes, that was my first thought when we first learned about Ascension being a thing. It's a cool idea, but I can see how that would be problematic.
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    @willrun4adonut it is not class specific.
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    Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Posts: 250 ★★
    Pikolu said:

    You are not correct at all. Ascension boosts base health and attack by 22% (according to the stream) and that is all it does.

    And kabam gives us 1 free 5* ascension and the cap enlistment event gives enough to ascend one 6*.

    Quick question if you know the answer, the free dust...could we save it towards ascending a six like shards or something, or is it like a crystal or something where it is self contained and u just use it to ascend a five and it is gone?
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★

    Pikolu said:

    You are not correct at all. Ascension boosts base health and attack by 22% (according to the stream) and that is all it does.

    And kabam gives us 1 free 5* ascension and the cap enlistment event gives enough to ascend one 6*.

    Quick question if you know the answer, the free dust...could we save it towards ascending a six like shards or something, or is it like a crystal or something where it is self contained and u just use it to ascend a five and it is gone?
    4 and 5 stars use tier one primordial dust to ascend, while 6 stars use tier two primordial dust to ascend. You can’t save up tier one dust to ascend a six star as they require two different resources
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    UnOriginalUnOriginal Posts: 727 ★★★
    edited September 2023

    I didn't watch the stream, but will the dust (I think it's called) be class specific, or will I be able to ascend my Hercules no matter what?

    because I'm lame and unoriginal like that
    I think i got got secrety called but no It is'nt class specific you only need primordial dust (and gold i think)
    I'll probably also Ascend my herc (maybe AA or clarie are other options) 5* wise i think maybe colosus i already have him as a six star but i dont want to rank him ... No i probably Will i think is gonna be Ghost (Who i also have as a 6* but is unduped)
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,552 ★★★★★

    I didn't watch the stream, but will the dust (I think it's called) be class specific, or will I be able to ascend my Hercules no matter what?

    because I'm lame and unoriginal like that
    I think i got got secrety called but no It is'nt class specific you only need primordial dust (and gold i think)
    I'll probably also Ascend my herc (maybe AA or clarie are other options) 5* wise i think maybe colosus i already have him as a six star but i dont want to rank him ... No i probably Will i think is gonna be Ghost (Who i also have as a 6* but is unduped)
    I live how UnOriginal responded to my post that said unoriginal
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    MikeHancho31MikeHancho31 Posts: 247 ★★★
    It sounds like most people will use this on Magik and Quake since there's no 6* of them.
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    TaintoTainto Posts: 70
    I used my dust unwisely. Pray-tell, does anyone know where I may acquire additional sprinkles of said dust? For it does not appear I can purchase it via the traditional exchange of game currency for game goods. Many thanks
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    o_oo_o Posts: 834 ★★★★
    Tainto said:

    I used my dust unwisely. Pray-tell, does anyone know where I may acquire additional sprinkles of said dust? For it does not appear I can purchase it via the traditional exchange of game currency for game goods. Many thanks

    Thou canst obtain more dust by completing thy solo objectives
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    TaintoTainto Posts: 70
    o_o said:

    Tainto said:

    I used my dust unwisely. Pray-tell, does anyone know where I may acquire additional sprinkles of said dust? For it does not appear I can purchase it via the traditional exchange of game currency for game goods. Many thanks

    Thou canst obtain more dust by completing thy solo objectives
    My sincere thanks, good citizen. May your crystal harvest be plentiful.
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