Which Non Marvel Character Would You Add?



  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★


    Joke's on you. They have already added him.
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Darth Vader. They re all Disney now.

    Or Kira from Deathnote, he can write down the name of the defender before the fight and done.

    (Actually, mcoc could have all bunch of Star Wars characters, just like DC does with Mortal Kombat guys in Injustice.)

    Kira would be OP, maybe make him weak with a single prefight which kills the opponent in 30 seconds. So one time per quest you need to evade for 30 seconds to win.
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★
    Mr. Bean
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,726 ★★★★★
    SandeepS said:

    Searmenis said:

    Darth Vader. They re all Disney now.

    Or Kira from Deathnote, he can write down the name of the defender before the fight and done.

    (Actually, mcoc could have all bunch of Star Wars characters, just like DC does with Mortal Kombat guys in Injustice.)

    Kira would be OP, maybe make him weak with a single prefight which kills the opponent in 30 seconds. So one time per quest you need to evade for 30 seconds to win.
    Or, you can make him efficient only for questing, with a simple, building up mechanic: Win the 1st fight and he gets the notebook. 2nd fight he learns the rules, 3rd fight he gets a pen, by the boss fight he ll be ready.

    And you can add a cool prefight like Apocalypse, after winning 3 fights or more, he, or by placing the prefight on the opponent, he or one of his teammates goes to the bathroom for 20% regen.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    I think this guy could do well in the game...

    Exit stage left...
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,297 ★★★★★
    Raistlin Majere
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,697 ★★★★

  • Hemendra_Hemendra_ Member Posts: 110
    edited September 2023
    John Cena - You can't see me .aka invisible man
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 546 ★★★
    Frankenstein's Monster, anyone from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Jekyll/Hyde would be a cool design option), King Leonidas, Maximus from Gladiator.
  • TheCaptain412TheCaptain412 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Hemendra_ said:

    John Cena - You can't see me .aka invisible man

    He’s already in the game, but, well, you know…

  • HippoSleek_JHippoSleek_J Member Posts: 206 ★★
    ScoobyDoo. Because, ya know, Scooby snaks.
  • spigwenderspigwender Member Posts: 473 ★★★

  • YouDontNeedToKnowYouDontNeedToKnow Member Posts: 137
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,225 ★★★★★
    Van Helsing
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★

    cur53d said:

    Conan's not Marvel?

    Marvels done quite a few Conan series over the decades. I can only guess it’s a licensing issue as they don’t outright own the character
    Conan the Barbarian is owned by the Robert E Howard estate. Marvel had a license to do Conan comics (twice), like they've licensed various other intellectual properties over the years including (but not limited to) Star Wars in the '70s/'80s, Transformers, GI Joe, Visionaries, Barbie, Inhumanoids, Star Trek, Mission Impossible, Thundercats, Galaxy Rangers etc. The license to produce Conan the Barbarian comics is no longer with Marvel comics. Titan Comics, part of Titan Publishing, currently has the license.
    Oh. I’m well aware. I was just explaining to the guy just because marvel produced a comic it doesn’t mean they have cart Blanche to put the character in everything vis a vis licensing. I have like half of those somewhere in storage. Although in the 80’s it was DC doing Star Trek and marvel doing Star Wars long before Disney bought it.
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    edited September 2023
    Not Disney but Kratos and Arthur Morgan.
    If Disney then Homer Simpson
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    The Crow
    Just because
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,592 ★★★★★

    cur53d said:

    Conan's not Marvel?

    Marvels done quite a few Conan series over the decades. I can only guess it’s a licensing issue as they don’t outright own the character
    Conan the Barbarian is owned by the Robert E Howard estate. Marvel had a license to do Conan comics (twice), like they've licensed various other intellectual properties over the years including (but not limited to) Star Wars in the '70s/'80s, Transformers, GI Joe, Visionaries, Barbie, Inhumanoids, Star Trek, Mission Impossible, Thundercats, Galaxy Rangers etc. The license to produce Conan the Barbarian comics is no longer with Marvel comics. Titan Comics, part of Titan Publishing, currently has the license.
    Oh. I’m well aware. I was just explaining to the guy just because marvel produced a comic it doesn’t mean they have cart Blanche to put the character in everything vis a vis licensing. I have like half of those somewhere in storage. Although in the 80’s it was DC doing Star Trek and marvel doing Star Wars long before Disney bought it.
    Sorry, that wasn't intended to come off as a diss of you, I was just explaining and quoted your post since you'd posted that pic. Marvel did Trek in the 1990s when they had a deal with Paramount and also did the one M:I comic. (Which I own!)

    Rob Liefeld cover art... Ah... the '90s...
  • JesusIsKingJesusIsKing Member Posts: 8
    Lmao my comment about the spice girls got 7 dislikes….many women in this forum huh? They dont like to be reminded that they age like milk
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★

    cur53d said:

    Conan's not Marvel?

    Marvels done quite a few Conan series over the decades. I can only guess it’s a licensing issue as they don’t outright own the character
    Conan the Barbarian is owned by the Robert E Howard estate. Marvel had a license to do Conan comics (twice), like they've licensed various other intellectual properties over the years including (but not limited to) Star Wars in the '70s/'80s, Transformers, GI Joe, Visionaries, Barbie, Inhumanoids, Star Trek, Mission Impossible, Thundercats, Galaxy Rangers etc. The license to produce Conan the Barbarian comics is no longer with Marvel comics. Titan Comics, part of Titan Publishing, currently has the license.
    Oh. I’m well aware. I was just explaining to the guy just because marvel produced a comic it doesn’t mean they have cart Blanche to put the character in everything vis a vis licensing. I have like half of those somewhere in storage. Although in the 80’s it was DC doing Star Trek and marvel doing Star Wars long before Disney bought it.
    Sorry, that wasn't intended to come off as a diss of you, I was just explaining and quoted your post since you'd posted that pic. Marvel did Trek in the 1990s when they had a deal with Paramount and also did the one M:I comic. (Which I own!)

    Rob Liefeld cover art... Ah... the '90s...
    Rob Liefield was the shizzle. I never had the same attachment to his Image stuff, but before the jump when he was working on mutant titles I couldn’t grab enough.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,102 ★★★★

    Love to see the tasmanian devil added. Use to love him growing up.

  • _Pez__Pez_ Member Posts: 313 ★★★
    Next sorcerer supreme Dr John Zoidberg

    And Admiral Akbar whose sole ability is going up to Kraven and saying "It's a trap" disabling him
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,987 ★★★★★

    Devil May Cry has a ton of characters who’d be awesome additions
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,592 ★★★★★

    Lmao my comment about the spice girls got 7 dislikes….many women in this forum huh? They dont like to be reminded that they age like milk

    I disagreed with it because I'm a guy who thinks saying that is sexist and you're a wazzock for doing so.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike or Jax, who would you guys wanna see?
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,743 ★★★★★
    cur53d said:

    Conan's not Marvel?

    Yes and no. Short answer is "not anymore." Due to licensing issues which is why if you liked Savage Avengers, you should pick up the trade cause it's unlikely it will ever be reprinted again.

  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,315 ★★★★★
    Interesting post, because exist the Amalgam Marvel/DC universe.
    Wolvie+Bat for example, take a look.to this image and search google for it
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,315 ★★★★★

    Best quality image
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,592 ★★★★★
    the Amalgam characters are co-owned by both Marvel and DC and thus require both companies' permission to use. It's why the Amalgam Spider-Boy doesn't show up in Across the Spider-verse.
  • Bigfoot33Bigfoot33 Member Posts: 220 ★★
    Xenomorph (science) and Yautja (Cosmic or Skill)
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