Which are your best Mcoc Champ+Relic?

- Juggernaut 5* (15k+dup+sig 200+asc) + Jugg Relic. - Best mcoc champ with best relic = Unstoppable and regenerates always.
- CGR 5* (12k+dup) + Ms Marvel relic= Great duo
- Iron Man 6* with HulkBuster relic, now with IM revamped HB is great.
Question= I pulled yesterday Iron Fist 6* Relic.
Which mystic champ benefit the most?
Tks for your kind answer 😊👍
- CGR 5* (12k+dup) + Ms Marvel relic= Great duo
- Iron Man 6* with HulkBuster relic, now with IM revamped HB is great.
Question= I pulled yesterday Iron Fist 6* Relic.
Which mystic champ benefit the most?
Tks for your kind answer 😊👍
Herc with Ms. Marvel.
I've heard the Iron fist relic is good for Spider supreme, Doom, champs with 1 hit heavy... I use my 5* relic for Spider supreme
Whenever I trigger the relic, a zero damage bleed is applied on domino which she purifies and get power
Thor Relic works well on CGR or Galan
Storm Relice works well on Kitty
Gamora Relic works well on Herc
HB works well on Nimrod or Stark
Sentinel works well on Omega Sentinel or Viv Vision
Ant-man works well on Scorpion or Spider-Ham
BP (surprisingly) works well on BP, Kingpin and Blade
Wolverine works well on Wolverine or Weps X
Spider-man 2099 works well on Spider-man OG
Venom (not surprising) works well on Venom
Hulk works well on Overseer, Hulk and Joe Fixit
check here there are infographics for relic
Now I need one of those 🤣
Tks everyone.
Let's do a great topic ,everyone can research into about relics
Awakened 7*R2 Venom with an awakened 6*R2 Venom relic.
If it bleeds, it's usually dead in less than 30 seconds.
Black Widow + Black Cat
Also, Sinister + Apoc
Silk w/ r3 awakened Hulk 5 star
Hercules w/ r2 Ms Marvel 5 star
Adam Warlock w/ r3 awakened Ms Marvel 4 star
CGR w/ r3 Thor 5 star
Nimrod w/ Hulkbuster 6 star (if I can get 7 star Shuri, will probably go to her)
Kingpin w/ Black Panther 6 star
Valk w/ Valkyrie 6 star
I really don't know who benefits best from Thor and Ms Marvel out of CGR, Adam, and Herc....but I 'think' I've chosen correctly.
5* sig 127 r5 ascended idoom with hulkbuster relic
5* sig 43 r5 ascended doom with iron fist relic
5* sig 2 r5 ascended mantis with black Panther relic
Sunspot sig 23 r5 ascended with gambit relic