Placement War

Our alliance has been doing war, we placed our champs, when the became active. active. no problems till today. Shows only 3 members that are in defence, Is there a glitch?


  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★★
    Did you win or lose your last AW causing you to move up or down a tier? If so, maybe only 3 players placed defenders on that new map you moved to. In the placement screen there are 3 little buttons in the lower right corner representing the 3 tiers of AW maps. Your alliance members should place in all three in case you move up or down.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    I’m having the same bug. When I click place defenders I only see a few peoples champs. But when the war starts we have a full defense. I hope they fix it before the season starts
  • Trevererik1_Trevererik1_ Member Posts: 45
    We did move up. Thank you for the info. We placed in 3 tiers too.
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