What Happened to Synergies(Kabam was Embarrassed)



  • Ghost_FanGhost_Fan Member Posts: 273 ★★★

    Well we know why the deep dive dropped the synergies section of the video. Seriously they were embarrassed with what they were able to come up with. These synergies stink :s look at werewolf by nights synergies.....laughable. Come on guys you can do better than that.

    This comment right here is exactly why the Deep Dive no longer includes synergies.

    How long do you think it takes to put those Deep Dives together? To get all that footage, editing, voice-over. To make sure it's clean and crisp? That's just for the core footage, then you have to do fights that will specifically showcase the synergies. Only to have comments go "That's what you came up with?!?!"

    That alone is pretty discouraging.

    Synergies were never meant to be so fundamental anyway, which is a trend we've started to see. We've started to see Kabam moving away from buffing old champions through synergies, or completely empowering people and changing aspects of their kit. Which is actually a good thing. Yes, there are a couple diamonds in the rough that stand out - like Absorbing Man and Immortal Abomination, he becomes poison immune. My god, what an add on an already OP character. But those aren't supposed to be the focus of the kit or character. It's not supposed to be what gets us super excited.

    The Deep Dive focuses on the core kit of the character. Gives us detail but not everything.
    Did I like the synergy aspect of the videos? Yes. But if all that effort of including it became no longer worth it because people only ever took it as an opportunity to be toxic - yeah, I can understand why they removed it.

    I don’t care what the synergies do to the brand new champs it’s about the other partner. Since the buff program as been the slowest it’s ever been, synergies provided a consistent bonus to older champs to keep up with these new banger releases. Also the deep dive vids can’t be too tough to put together.......come on have you seen karatemikes newer content the man can prolly make the deep dive 100% himself!
    These videos are extremely tough to put together, and it's very time-consuming. It's basically a full-time job, and Karate Mike does it all himself.

    We want to work on other content that players might find useful, including more educational pieces. Those also take time, so that means cutting down on the content that people aren't watching. We don't like cutting down on content, but when we have to, we choose the content that the fewest people are watching or engaging with, and that means the synergies segment of Deep Dives, which had a pretty significant drop in retention compared to the videos without them.

    Also, you can find that stuff in the Champion Spotlight that goes live usually a day or two after the video.
    The synergies had the lowest retention for real? The only thing that I was watching from these videos was this section.
    Their removal was a bad decision
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