Battlegrounds wins not increasing

hft_23hft_23 Member Posts: 53
So I just won a match, waited for results (they skipped, for some reason) and got back to the battlegrounds home screen and noticed my wins did not increase. I then exited the page and went back in and my win still does not appear. Should I wait or could I be softlocked in Vibranium II?


  • hft_23hft_23 Member Posts: 53
    looking back on the screenshots, it actually looks like it happened twice, as my previous win did not appear before that recent loss. Before anyone says ‘you ranked up, that’s why’ I would like to direct you to the losses not decreasing wins, which means I was at 0, or just ranked up.
  • hft_23hft_23 Member Posts: 53
    might not, but this still could use a look
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