Rintrah Power Gain against Buff Immune

Has it been addressed that Rintrah is still triggering his power gain when a buff immune champ dex’s while his neutralize is up? Had it happen in war and makes it much harder to contain him when he keeps gaining power and therefore mystical charges on a dex.
Champions that can't trigger Dex buff like silk are different from champions that can trigger the buff but are immune to it. Neutralize takes away the "can trigger" part by reducing the ability accuracy and hence causes the rest of the issues
Personally I don’t see why I couldn’t debate that they’re buff immune therefore there is no “trying to trigger a buff” because they’re immune. So, nothing to neutralize at any point in time.
Ands for a champ to be immune to an effect, it has to be there in the first place.
What you’re describing implies that a debuff also tries to take place before immunity. If that’s the case then masochism should try to take place before the debuff immunity kicks in. I haven’t tested this anywhere so I’m genuinely curious because you brought it up.
Enjoy last year discussion.
Crazy how passive aggressive people are with someone who’s asking a legitimate question trying to understand something.