Green Goblin 4* r5 worthy?

EldRuNkO82EldRuNkO82 Member Posts: 17
As title says is Green Goblin duped r5 worthy.I have ultron at r5 so only other option is 5* IP dupe to r3....Actually that shouldn't even be a option lol. Otherwise I might save my tech cats.


  • EldRuNkO82EldRuNkO82 Member Posts: 17
    Sorry I also have stark spidey unduped as a 4*. but he is only r2
  • Bronx425Bronx425 Member Posts: 22
    He's quite good I think. Not only great for Prestige, but can dish out serious damage AND regens. I use mine for everything
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    I'd R5 GG!
  • EldRuNkO82EldRuNkO82 Member Posts: 17
    I got GG last week and duped him this week.Havent used him much but I like using him so far.
  • KUROKURO Member Posts: 104
    Duped GG is a beast. Go on r5 him.
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    GG is super underrated but Spark is better. Save the catalysts for him
  • DramaLlama101DramaLlama101 Member Posts: 16
    Save for Stark
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    If you're referring to a 4 star GG to 5/50, I say YES, as he's a BEAST AW defender, on either node 23 or 24.

  • MattyloMattylo Member Posts: 234
    Mine is R5 and does really well as an AW defender. I have no regrets here
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I pulled GG last week so this thread is actually quite helpful to me.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    no, sell him.
  • draco7326_7311draco7326_7311 Member Posts: 141
    I did r5 my go duped and yes its been a good decision. He is great for war kills
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    no, sell him.
    No. No. No no no do NOT sell the champion who can regen 60% of the damage he’s taking, reduce enemy attack by 33% and has a L2 that does **** loads of damage
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Think bahamut bit the troll bait. Funny thing is sparky and gg have a great unique synergy, stark spidey starts fight with 4 poise charges, basically that's like starlord starting with a combo of 20. Neither is a waste of t4cs, sparky even unduped for an attacker but yeah good move going with gg as a defender
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