Thing 7* boss 8.3.4 INDUPED

MiniMFMiniMF Member Posts: 848 ★★★★
edited October 2023 in General Discussion
Whole point of thing as defender is duped maw sig so you can't nuke but they made him unduped by mistake ? Lol


  • MiniMFMiniMF Member Posts: 848 ★★★★
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    I mean the sig just makes the fight longer, doesn’t really add any more interesting things to the kit, so I get why they’d leave it out if the nodes were good enough
  • Go_ToGo_To Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    From the game team:

    "the Thing Boss in Quest 4 is deliberately unduped. This was a design decision to ensure the fight felt fair, as Thing's signature ability applies a potent damage cap on the opponent and with his inflated health pool would likely prolong the fight needlessly."

    Jax translation: you're welcome.

    It's the little things in life Jax... very pro player move by you guys, thanks for that.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Tip of the hat.
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