Fragments for 7* deathless

I noticed in the store the 6 and 7* versions of the deathless champ. The current offer in incursions store is for 30k trophy tokens for a piece of the 6*. Does anyone know when or how the 7* pieces will release ?? I’m hesitant to spend for the 6* pieces if 7* pieces will be released soon. If anyone knows. Please share the love.
Expect the remaining two 7* pieces to be revealed soon, probably another from next month‘s Side Quest.
We got 6 and 7* of same version of the pieces when we logged in
The 6* version is buyable in the bg store while the 7* version of the same one is in VT end.
So this means 7* of 3rd piece is from the new abyss type.
I expect another 6* and 7* piece will be from incursions and the 5th piece somewhere in an eq