Looking for plat 1/master level player

S-Law is looking for one platinum 1/master level experienced player after aw rewards. Map 8 × 5. 400k bgs. Must have alliance war videos. Please add sliphole79 on Line if interested.


  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
    Still looking
  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
    Still looking
  • Samy_07Samy_07 Member Posts: 26
    Can you show me your rewards (bg, aq)
  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
  • Mario13459Mario13459 Member Posts: 20
    Are you still looking ?
  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
  • Mario13459Mario13459 Member Posts: 20
    Hit me on line same tag as here
  • ChinchillazChinchillaz Member Posts: 16
    I'd highly suggest avoiding this ally at all cost. Leader is a racist piece of ****. Loves belittling and putting people down and just all round a nasty petty individual.
  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
    Hi Caz. How's life after dying 4 times on your path in a master level war to a gorr with tigra then leaving the allience in the middle of war? You changed your name and dropped down to plat 2 and they kicked you, then plat 3 and they kicked you before you started. I wonder why all these alliances are kicking you? Lol.... I see you down there in plat 4 now. You can't hide from me "Doogz"
    ( his name ) by changing your name and deleting your line account. You still have a month of probation till you change your name again 🥰
  • ChinchillazChinchillaz Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2023
    Lol how's life making up facts, enjoy living in fantasy land. Didn't get kicked from no plat 2 (just line got blocked for tos vio). Enjoy advertising yourself as a masters level alliance Mr 1 hit wonder see your plat 1 again since i left 😉.
  • ChinchillazChinchillaz Member Posts: 16
    The gang here (your old bg) says hi btw, seems you have a bit of a reputation.
  • superjoe12888superjoe12888 Member Posts: 22
    Tell the boys down in plat 4 I said what's up. Your exactly where your supposed to be now. Idk how I got as far as I did without you. And them.... 😎
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