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Contest Idea for @KabamMike @KabamJax and company!

JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71
edited October 2023 in Suggestions and Requests

When I was younger I played this game called Zooba. In the game approximately once per year they sent out a message to everyone's inbox about a character creation contest. You could design your own character digitally or on paper that would be reviewed by the game team. The top 10 people or so would receive in game prizes and the top 3 over time (#1 the next month) had their character added to the game. I think it would be cool if MCOC started this contest in some type of way...Artists such as myself would love it as a Once or Twice a year sort of thing.

Additionally as a more realistic request perhaps, Zooba also let the community design emotes, picking the best 20 or so to add to the game and if you were in the group of 20 you would get your own emote along with rewards.

Would appreciate it if you would consider it! Love this game and think it would be a cool addition!
Players could vote also! (:


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    Voting over emotes or Profile pics would be really cool!
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    Voting over emotes or Profile pics would be really cool!

    Thanks, I thought so too!
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    Could be really nifty if done right. Character creation may not be a possible ask, but the others definitely, I like this idea!
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    Could be really nifty if done right. Character creation may not be a possible ask, but the others definitely, I like this idea!

    Yes I realize character creation is probably a reach but figured id ask
    EMOTES seem doable though and Fun (:
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    Could be really nifty if done right. Character creation may not be a possible ask, but the others definitely, I like this idea!

    Is there a way to ask Kabam directly?
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    ??? Whats this mean ???
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    laserjohn26laserjohn26 Posts: 1,529 ★★★★★
    JHRanch said:

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    ??? Whats this mean ???
    Just adding another great idea to yours
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,644 ★★★★★

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    This would unironically be funny af if you replaced GW with CharlesJiggens
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,377 ★★★★★

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    Read the room.
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    JHRanch said:

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    ??? Whats this mean ???
    Just adding another great idea to yours
    Im so confused....is there some sort of thing i said wrong?
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    Read the room.
    Can you explain what he means?
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,377 ★★★★★
    JHRanch said:

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    Read the room.
    Can you explain what he means?
    It was just a personal dig that was out of place. Nothing pertaining to the Thread.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,644 ★★★★★
    I think the idea is awesome but expect Cat to win
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71

    JHRanch said:

    How about golivarez and grounded wisdom are both in studio guests on the next live stream and have to debate each other.

    Read the room.
    Can you explain what he means?
    It was just a personal dig that was out of place. Nothing pertaining to the Thread.
    Oh ok, why do people feel the need to be rude for no reason. I was just trying to share an idea I had
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    JHRanchJHRanch Posts: 71
    ahmynuts said:

    I think the idea is awesome but expect Cat to win

    yeah hormones may play a factor I suppose
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