Make Battlegrounds Move Faster


If you’re going to require the average player to complete roughly 150 matches in Battlegrounds to complete a solo objective, can you please figure out how to reduce the time it takes to complete a single match? There’s so much senseless waiting and counting. Please put some thought into how that can be streamlined to reduce the amount of time investment it takes.


  • MiniMFMiniMF Member Posts: 848 ★★★★
    i mean it kinda sounds you don't think during the draft and while fighting, its perfect as it is
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 6,718 ★★★★★
    You can play BGs while running
  • R4ndomAvengerR4ndomAvenger Member Posts: 49
    I get what you mean in the sense that this objective gives 375 (I think) points for using energy. They need to bring the objective points down to a reasonable amount.
  • Old_Man_LimnosOld_Man_Limnos Member Posts: 60
    It’s now taking close to a minute just to find a match. Do 60 matches and that’s close to an hour of just waiting for a match. And then there’s the countdown timers.
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