BG cheater
Already reported him...
Kabam is not doing a great job.. so maybe some of you played against him, more reports... might succeed.
I wonder how he got so far without being noticed?!
I'm sick and tired if these people... they are wasting our time/units etc.
Kabam is not doing a great job.. so maybe some of you played against him, more reports... might succeed.
I wonder how he got so far without being noticed?!
I'm sick and tired if these people... they are wasting our time/units etc.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
"Great job kAbam"!
Click the report button in game and send screenshots to support. You're doing nothing posting here.
It's probably best if you don't know the sheer volume of accounts that are readily and easily ramped up to take the place of the accounts you're complaining about that will ultimately be banned. Think thousands. Or, again, best not to.
I know first hand a few folks who took back the names of their previously banned accounts. Some of them are doing quite well in bgs now i understand, one of the many reasons i don't touch the mode. This one account you're singling out here isn't the only account this user has, or will have going forward, just so you know what's up.
Bro is on a mission
Just curious...
Is it your expectation that the second after you hit the report button the player's account is insta permabanned?
I'm not saying your accusation is incorrect, but I would think if it was someone accusing you, you'd want at least an investigation into the allegations before just being immediately banned from the gane.
You off the point here, no one asked to be banned immediately even in this case, his obviously a cheater... I've already said once why I made this post.. Level 50 something, no quests played, no ally etc. I was wondering how he got so far without being noticed.
Next time make sure you read properly before assuming things.
So what are your proposed requirements to be able to participate in BGs? What level do they have to be? How many champs should they have? What is the minimum amount of quests that should be completed? I get it. You're angry. You lost a match and feel that it can't be right. As I said in my earlier post, I'm not denying or arguing your accusation.
But your initial post started...
"I already reported him. Maybe if more people play/have played against him he'll get reported more then Kabam will do something." (I know... I know... not verbatim but it's the gist) To me that reads "He should have been banned after I reported and when he gets reported more he'll get banned."
Again OP, I'm not declaring you're wrong, but saying that just because someone did something and their account isn't at YOUR level doesn't necessarily mean suspicious activity. You've put his in game name on blast via your post title, the posted pics, and in your posts. Kind of seems like you have an axe to grind...
No offense but I'm done answering to you, not interested in your personal interpretation about my words. You free to believe whatever you want.
Best of luck!
I'm being accused for asking Kabam to react faster... we are losing points/BG Elder's marks/ time and some of us money/units.
He took down my abs man in 28 seconds with an r2 sunspot and then r5 FAM in 48 seconds with a professor x and left with full yellow bars in both. Just not possible in this meta.
Couple of today’s matches. No chance these are legit.
The irony of cheating is that cheaters are too lazy to play the game fairly, but not too lazy to stop looking for new ways to cheat.