Why is this month’s event quest so difficult?

Why is this month event quest so difficult? Tier one are three stars and tier 2 are four stars but when you get to tiers 3 through five, it’s six star, seven star, and seven star again. At first, I thought it was a bug and figured it should’ve been tier 3 - 5 star, tier 4 - 6 star, and tier 5 - 7 star. Up to this point it no one has questioned it. It goes from easy to hard to down right impossible for a mid to end tier player (Cavalier) like myself. Kabam, please look into this
I don’t think it is difficult, but it’s not much worth the time and effort either.
I think part of the issue with some is the 3-person team instead of 5. For whatever reason, it messes with your head. Reminder that with limited entries, play within your limits.
More progression levels with the same amount of Event/Side quests means difficulty slides downhill to keep the top-tier happy. That slide effects the casual/mid player the most as they just want to have fun and don't wish to invest too much time/effort/money into the game. And since rewards haven't progressed along with the increase in difficulty mid to low tier players can't get the necessary resources to build/rank 5 & 6-star champions to keep up.
That sound right?
To be honest, the rewards of this month event quest are very underwhelming. I think Kabam is trying to keep the players’ focus on Black Friday Event and Necropolis.