How many mastery points are we supposed to have at lvl 60

SuperSam568SuperSam568 Member Posts: 72
Not including necropolis -it’s 59 right?

I’m pretty sure somehow I’m missing two as I compared to a friend , and the missing two are not related to act 4 as I did all that in one go so got all the mastery points from it.

I’m on 57, my friend is on 59.

Does everyone else also have 59? Anyone else got 57? Or less?!

Anyone else missing mastery points not related to act 4?

I popped the issue in bugs, but I was interested to see if other newer players have found this also?

Also Wondered if it was due to the parry and dex mastery free assignments at start of game? And when you reset , it doesn’t factor those as points for you to reclaim or something?


    There is a possible total of 60, after necropolis. If you are 60, haven’t completed necropolis, then yes, you are missing 2 from the act 4 changes. I actually was the person to post the issue on the forum, so if u go to my profile, favorite the thread. Kabam Mike gave his latest update there and said you should get the other 2 points back (hopefully) in January.
  • JDHJDH Member Posts: 24
    59 pre necropolis
    60 after necropolis
  • EscornaboiEscornaboi Member Posts: 2,458 ★★★
    Indeed, as our comrades @The_Collector and @JDH say, before Necropolis you can reach 59 points. If you only have 57 it means you passed act 4 after it was nerfed. The two missing points are expected to arrive next year. It is an obvious inconvenience that harms many players; If Kabam is taking so long, it must be that the fault that caused it is not simple to fix.
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