Favorite Mutant to Rank up with Apoco

KerowaxKerowax Member Posts: 23
I know this topic has been rinsed a few times…but damn am I having a hard time deciding! Just came back to the game after a few year break about a month ago. Which 6* should go up with Chonk Town Apoco. I can sig 200 and r4 any 6* right now.

I play all the game modes but ideally want a solid story progression and BG roster. I still have most of Act 7 and beyond left to do.

Favorite Mutant to Rank up with Apoco 63 votes

OG Wolverine
Tendersquaddjr17Dfour24o_oRenaxqqKeniutekThePredator1001MikeHancho31Oddkinsons7Drago_von_DragoA_FungiEndgodWeaponX4XKINGBDPT_99arifin74Hazy 17 votes
RabarberstengelItsClobberinTimeThe_0wenpusDab_westKLZZhaEdisonLaw 7 votes
Cable + Another Mutant
SIlverProfessorTeiVrnilamAgent_7Hulkbusterno 5 votes
13579rebel_Kontestman 2 votes
bhuv9191captain_rogers 2 votes
Colinwhitworth69Giantwalrus56Warlock14LickyMarvelfan30FantomaxopJimajohn 7 votes
Storm X
AshyKnuckles 1 vote
DrenlinManup456Sw0rdMasterCassyAdvGreekhitEwell65SSS69HippoSleek_JBeastDadShenkPat_McGloin_1JuanmiTribalChiefAegonTargarуenElite13Honorable_BluJayJohny_Joestar 17 votes
Goldpool because lol somehow I pulled him a couple weeks ago
willrun4adonutOrtounIsisixkswmrDerpyEagleTitans 5 votes


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,874 ★★★★★
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    If you have him, I'm a huge fan of Toad as a horseman. His poisons have a built in purify, so he ends up going unblockable a lot as a horseman. Sunspot has a similar deal, but only on heavy charge so not as useful.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,170 ★★★★★
    But wolverine is also awesome.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    AA is the better champ there to help you with your progression.
    He is insane as a horseman, but unlike all the other options he is still insane without.
    The only contender is Bishop for BGs, but still AA is better overall since he is much better for story progression.
    Do AA since you won't be able to have a 7* version anytime soon, if ever, and you won't be able to have him at descent high sig if he is released anyway.
  • KerowaxKerowax Member Posts: 23
    Ortoun said:

    If you have him, I'm a huge fan of Toad as a horseman. His poisons have a built in purify, so he ends up going unblockable a lot as a horseman. Sunspot has a similar deal, but only on heavy charge so not as useful.

    Interesting. I haven't seen anyone mention him yet. Unfortunately don’t have him yet but have been wanting to get him to test out in BGs
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    My r5 sig 200 colossus.....
  • KerowaxKerowax Member Posts: 23
    Greekhit said:

    AA is the better champ there to help you with your progression.
    He is insane as a horseman, but unlike all the other options he is still insane without.
    The only contender is Bishop for BGs, but still AA is better overall since he is much better for story progression.
    Do AA since you won't be able to have a 7* version anytime soon, if ever, and you won't be able to have him at descent high sig if he is released anyway.

    Ya he’s been my go to for anything annoying for years now (so long as the can bleed and be poisoned). Was already planing on taking him to r3 here soon and then r4 in a bit…but I haven’t tested him as horseman yet. About to test him out
  • KerowaxKerowax Member Posts: 23

    My r5 sig 200 colossus.....

    Man I still haven’t been able to get him. Couldn’t get him before I took my break from the game and still haven’t been able to this last month or so. Def want him tho
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,721 ★★★★★
    Cable, Wolverine and Archangel become damage over time beasts when paired with Apoc
  • IsisixkswmrIsisixkswmr Member Posts: 237
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    OG Wolverine
    Horseman Wolverine is just fun.

    AA is a better champ all around but he might get banned more as an R4 than at R3 and I’d only take him up to sig 117ish or wherever he crosses over to only needing 3 neuros to shut down abilities.

    Cable is also a crazy horseman and let’s apoc ramp up in 1 fight so he’s also a good choice to get to R2/R3 so he’s more useable in quests but I wouldn’t R4 Cable over Wolverine or AA.
  • KontestmanKontestman Member Posts: 284 ★★
    I love my r4 55 5* gambit because gambido dorito
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    You're seeing this wrong. Especially for Story content, if you have Apocalypse at a high rank, you are pretty much covered in all aspects. I have only used the Horseman thing once or so in the past 2 years. Apocalypse annihilates everything by himself, keep him at 4 Prowess.

    Keep Cable at R3 (he can still put in work), take your AA to R4 (do NOT give him signatures, just awakening), look for Magneto to take care of everything #metal and maybe one other Mutant to take care of energy damage matchups (Bishop is excellent, Storm X, Sunspot are also great).
  • Elite13Elite13 Member Posts: 184
    Archangel melts 80% of the game
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Also Cable.
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