Deep Dive: Onslaught
Member Posts: 9,271 ★★★★★
Thoughts? He looks amazing so far. Save up your shards
Thoughts? He looks amazing so far. Save up your shards
I genuinely think for the first time in a very long time someone's actually going to challenge Kitty for the #1 spot in the mutant class, it's been so long. He might not dethrone her but he's 100% going to be up there.
Someone in this thread said he’d be better than Kitty but I just don’t see that. He looks good, great defender but he can’t avoid damage. She can avoid damage even against a miss counter. That’s broken. But he does see super fun to play and not fun to play against so that’s a win for me.
Why do I say this? Well, while Kitty's ability to completely ignore damage while phased kinda busted, the amount of utility Onslaught will have + his defensive prowess could make up for it, and depending on how good he is for short and long form content he may or may not dethrone her we won't know until we get our hands on him. Based on what was shown in the deep dive, he can tackle both short and long form content so we'll see, just a matter of time now.
Personally, I don't think a single ability makes one champ better than the rest, for me it has to be all their abilities in general. Which one will have more utility and which one will be viable for most game content. Onslaught looks like a swiss army knife with massive dot, Kitty doesn't have any of this.
So I'm curious, about how many ppl you think shows up for this?
I know its probably global.
Also it says unblockable specials has higher chance to inflict neuroshocks but I cant see when he can have unblockable specials?
As for your second question, he doesn't have Unblockable Special Attacks. It's when he's struck by Unblockable Special Attacks that the chance to inflict Neuroshocks on the opponent increases. This also applies to all Critical hits, including his own.