How is this game fun again?

EQ is boring, side quest is @$$, AW and AQ suck. Battlegrounds meta is terrible. Incursions/Arena's not fun at all. How is this game fun again? Oh yeah, you have spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars. They ruined this game with release of 7* champs and continue to do so. I don't understand why Kabam thinks they can tweak AI to just make it more annoying, not necessarily more challenging. Dying a thousand times and using all your resources in Necropolis is just stupid. After 3 years, I am done and uninstalling. Not fun anymore. Everyone is dropping out of my alliance too, not just me. This game sucks now. Bye, it was fun. GTA VI is a year away, I can wait.
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I know it’s a little hypocritical, I didn’t need to comment on this post, but sometimes I can’t help myself.
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows right now but story content lately has been great and all but one new champ this year have been great.
There are definitely areas that could be better but I’m still very much enjoying it playing casually.
Counterpoint: the game was never as much fun playing as it was complaining about on message boards. This covers most things in life these days as well.
For years I kept asking myself I was still playing and only real answer I had was because I already put so much time (and some money) Into it but eventually gets to a point that it's not worth it anymore.
I quit playing on regular basis early this year after playing every day since the 1 year anniversary. The last time I logged I to the game was on the day of initial 7 star releases as that was the final "jump the shark" moment for me when it was clear it was time to move on.
I'll still pop on forums once a month or so just because it got to the point where forums was far more entertaining than the game and even though I don't play anymore I still find it funny that the conversations and complaints are near identical to what they were when I stopped playing.