6th 7* Champ, don’t know what to think

So today I opened my 6th 7* crystal, and pulled Killmonger…
Good thing is, I now have one 7* champ of every class… I like balance.
But is unduped Killmonger any good? Where does he shine?
Also: I think I have been of average luck with my pulls… Yes, Hulk is a beast, but all my other 7* champs are quite niche, aren’t they?

Good thing is, I now have one 7* champ of every class… I like balance.
But is unduped Killmonger any good? Where does he shine?
Also: I think I have been of average luck with my pulls… Yes, Hulk is a beast, but all my other 7* champs are quite niche, aren’t they?

That Maw and Killmonger is great for BG defence, min gets kills all the time.
lack mutant, cosmic, and mystic
Thanks... Yes, they are all good in some scenarios, that's what I meant by "niche"... I'm not complaining, could have gone a lot worse!
Thanks, I forgot about his true strike, that can prove helpful. But his reverberation is only in his sig ability, right?
Thanks, I like Storm X. I bring her everytime there is a Korg on a lane... She was also extremely helpful against last month's EQ boss Cheeil'th. But how is she a counter against Fury? @Suros_moonKillmonger is a great defender if you ban CGR , else this will happen . My r4 took out a r2 easily.
Still no tech 7*