Map7 not giving enough pts?

I'm not sure if it's a glitch or I'm missing something, but map 7 (since the change to aq) seems to only be giving about 1/4 or 1/5th the points that map 6 gives.
Anyone else having this problem? It's happened both days so far.
Anyone else having this problem? It's happened both days so far.

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
We were getting around 600-650kk points doing full m6 before the AQ change, now we got 603kk doing full m7, seriously what's going on with AQ points?
And yes, we used modifiers and most of them were epic
Any update from the team? This picture is the amount of points i just got after beating sub titania on M7, it's the same amount of poins from the normal fights and it's not the first time that this happened, before i thought it was a visual bug but today i paid attention and saw that the amount of general points didn't increase (except by 220k)
Try to share to the team this comment, now that i saw that the problem is in the subs/boss points, maybe the team can solve it faster
I'll try to record the next sub fight
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax i made this gif to show the issue with the points, i made sure to show both titania sub fight and another normal fight so you guys can see that we're getting the same amount of points
Please i'm not the only one suffering from this, i know you guys comment when you have something to say but at the very least, acknoledge the issue cause this whole silence is making me feel useless recording this fights
This issue is impacting HEAVILY on the final scoring of the week
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax again i ask you, please take a look on this, my alliance is with a goal of X amount of points but we can't have a parameter to achieve that if the points is bugged like this
I'm being polite, giving all the informations i can possibly do but a troll post gets a response and i don't, i don't understand that