Thoughts on War Tactic

Naz_786Naz_786 Member Posts: 150
In reply to Kabam mods " Devs are happy" with the war tactic, have you guys seen the amount of players in high tier alliance complaining due to the tactics surely it's gotta be a wake up call. Let me tell you why this tactic is soo bad skilled or not.

1. The block damage is insane from the tactic defenders special attack. You block apoc, joe fixtet, qs, domino, Emma or literally anyone and ur health is gone. It's just a potion and unit fest at this point.

2. If you get clipped once it's basically ggs you attacker is gone.

3. The attack tactic does nothing basically stead fest to block specials but then ur hp is gone.

I set out a poll devs please listen to you're player base. No one besides the devs are happy with this tactic.

Thoughts on War Tactic 124 votes

Not going to do competitive war this season due to tactic
41% 52 votes
Yes going to do war regardless of this tactic
33% 42 votes
Going to do war will happily use resources.
1% 2 votes
Boycott it entirely
22% 28 votes


  • Naz_786Naz_786 Member Posts: 150
    To top it off they have added bubble sheild to the boss
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,806 ★★★★★
    lol I voted for the worst possible choice but I’ll 40% revive it
  • winniewinwinwinniewinwin Member Posts: 178
    Naz_786 said:

    To top it off they have added bubble sheild to the boss

  • RustyoneilRustyoneil Member Posts: 220 ★★
    I am in the minority here, but I have faced five crush defenders so far in AW and have had a pretty easy time with each one. Haven’t got rooted once, so I’m not sure what’s going to happened if the defender is actually able to throw a special. So far I found an easy solution which I feel is glaringly obvious. I’m looking forward to crushing these defenders, but I’m not looking forward to doing it over the Holiday weekend. That and that alone is the only reason I would support boycotting this season if my alliance wanted to.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★★
    i'm leaving my team and missing out on banquet but it's worth it just on principle.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    New tactic? Is AW going on right now?

    My last war shows 7 days ago. Shows how much I pay attention. I honestly despise AW because the rewards for G2 Tier 5 that we get I can get in a few days worth of Valiant daily crystals. The sad fact.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★★
    i had plans on spending 10k units on solo milestones, but out of sheer spite i might not even do that. if i keep my promise i'll make sure to post a pic here.
  • Thekiller8967Thekiller8967 Member Posts: 323 ★★
    This tactic sucks! My suggestion is take away the daunted altogether or give the attack tactic a better way to counter it. As it stands the forced block damage just isn't the move.

    I can't believe how out of touch that kabam is on this. It's actually just a disgusting cash grab. How are you meant to dex the bubble shield qs sp2? Apoc?? I can put aside all the other issues in the game, whatever no break is fine, new style of banquet has people upset but hey man it's just an event.

    This is a core game mode and if i take it seriously this season there's the potential to be completely out of resources for future seasons. Absolutely ridiculous! Tone it down!
  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 593 ★★★★
    Game team is "happy" with the new tactics,
    I really want to see their faces when they check the game data after a few wars.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★★

    i'm leaving my team and missing out on banquet but it's worth it just on principle.

    didn't work out, in case mods check for a bluff
  • EvangelionlovrEvangelionlovr Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Considering you're my ally leader I guess I have to do whatever you say Naz
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,606 ★★★★★
    Its fire
    Beacuse it's TERRIBLE, yet Psycho man is SUCH a great counter for it
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,806 ★★★★★
    I think it’s hilarious that there is a tactic which we are all thinking about ways to subvert it rather than engange with it.

    Quake AW MVP 2024
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    Me and the other officials of my alliance are already in the talks of spending just 40% revive and not a single potion/amp, the amount we would've spent vs the rewards, just not worth it all
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    I think it’s hilarious that there is a tactic which we are all thinking about ways to subvert it rather than engange with it.

    Quake AW MVP 2024

    To be fair, Quake AW MVP forever.
  • Naz_786Naz_786 Member Posts: 150
    This season will be interesting for sure
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,606 ★★★★★
    I LOVE IT!
    (it's terrible but Psycho man is a great counter for it and i have a 6* r5 ascended Psycho man and u don't so boo hoo)
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    I LOVE IT!
    (it's terrible but Psycho man is a great counter for it and i have a 6* r5 ascended Psycho man and u don't so boo hoo)

    we don't have r5 6s ascended psychoman because he is a trash champion
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,606 ★★★★★
    Amms90 said:

    I LOVE IT!
    (it's terrible but Psycho man is a great counter for it and i have a 6* r5 ascended Psycho man and u don't so boo hoo)

    we don't have r5 6s ascended psychoman because he is a trash champion
    That's not true
    Yeah, he's not the best or close to it
    But TRASH?
    Did u know with my Psycho man I've defeated 6* r5 ascended #Crush Onslaught in aw? Good luck doing that with Nimrod or whoever
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    Amms90 said:

    I LOVE IT!
    (it's terrible but Psycho man is a great counter for it and i have a 6* r5 ascended Psycho man and u don't so boo hoo)

    we don't have r5 6s ascended psychoman because he is a trash champion
    That's not true
    Yeah, he's not the best or close to it
    But TRASH?
    Did u know with my Psycho man I've defeated 6* r5 ascended #Crush Onslaught in aw? Good luck doing that with Nimrod or whoever
    I watched the video. You had the attack tactic armor burn... With that available many champs can take him... It's honestly a much better tactic to counter crush in general. Sturdy is more or less useless. Too bad in tier 1 you don't get to pick... You gotta stick with sturdy... But hey kabam devs are happy with it...
  • Naz_786Naz_786 Member Posts: 150
    Kabams trying to do what they did to bgs this season and make players stop trying I guess
  • Naz_786Naz_786 Member Posts: 150
    How was everyone's first one with this tactic xd
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,806 ★★★★★
    Our defense had 120 kills in tier 2
  • Naz_786Naz_786 Member Posts: 150
    Ours had 185 in tier 2 lmao
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,806 ★★★★★
    Only “slightly” more than the 15-ish we had last season.
  • AegonTargarуenAegonTargarуen Member Posts: 90
    "We didnt touch the AIs" and yet somehow everytime I try to intercept my enemy hold block, only happen in AW, what a meta xD
  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 267 ★★★

    "Devs are happy" Please let us know if these Devs are doing Tier 1/2 Wars and having to use their loyalty and units to be able to full heal their max ranked champs or 7 stars - mind you still haven't did anything about the healing in war... The amount of units spent this season, if anyone is crazy enough to do so, will be insane because to max heal a fully boosted champ is crazy. The Attack tactic what lets me block an unblockable attack and take 40,000+ damage to the block from someone like Quicksilver. Lack of attention to where the game is and what the community want is insane - This entire company needs a wakeup call.

    Think about the people who spend money in your game... does these devs who make terrible nodes and tactics fund your entire company or is it the player base who have to consider dropping one of the 3 fundamental game modes because they won't want to spend an insane amount of in game resources on it...

    Devs are happy adding a ****load of t2alpha in 300 unit gbc. So you know...
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