Black Panther Civil War/Chadwick homage

Hi it’s been about three years going on 4..will the team ever say anything about it….like give the community a couple more wins Stan Lee got a title
Stan Lee and Chadwick Boseman were both great men who inspired countless people across the globe both with their creativity and their kindness. They do not need a mobile phone game to be remembered. Kabam choosing to commemorate one of the founding fathers of Marvel with a title does not mean that they need to provide you with a little goodie bag whenever a tragedy occurs.
Originally, I said that your request was gross without making any judgments on you. People say misguided things all the time, it happens, and it’s good form to let them know when they overstep so they can correct that behavior. But this follow up comment really drives home the selfishness and short-sightedness of your post. I hope you learn something here.