Would you take the leap? (If you could/can)

We all know now that there are only four champions you can use to get that final shard. We also know that she is the only one with a 7* version available. Is r1 gunna be enough. Or would you r2 her for an easier time?

Would you take the leap? (If you could/can) 116 votes
I'll be ranking my OG Guilly up to r3 and give the run a test to see. But outside of that ranking, I don't plan to do any of the others.
This is my personal take, anyways.
Also there are other factors in play: do you plan / have already done Necropolis? Do you plan to use her there? Maybe you should wait for the 7* Shuri for that rank up?
Also keep in mind that combat power rate for 7* does not increase with rank, so she will not be reaching her very important SP1 sooner in a fight, than at R1, if you take her up.
There’s plenty of time to grab her next year before Deathless Thanos (or whoever it is) becomes available.
Dr. Zola